the search

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" Okay smurfs, let's find Handy. " say Brainy who was also worry but don't wanted to show it.
In his side, Hefty is the most worry of the smurfs...he feels that everything was his fault.
He looks at all the rocks who was fallen...he know that Handy is here.
Him and all the smurfs look everywere to find Handy but without any results for the moment. Do everything is lost ?
" Gosh guys !!! I find him, I find him !"cry Clumsy.
All the smurfs running in his direction. They could see some of his hand. They find him !
Hefty lift the stones and throw them aside. Handy is here! But he does not move and does not wake up.
" Oh no..." cry Vanity
" Oh Papa he okay ?" Ask Smurfette, crying.
Papa look at him and check his breath.
" Don't worry, he is alive, but we need to take him back in the village now."
Hefty carry him on his back and start to walk in the direction of the village. His body is so cold and full of injury. Everything is his fault...he should have helped her. That damn competition... that damn medal...
" I will make you a good surprise if you wake up Handy...and it is not a joke." Said Jokey without a smile, but a sad face.
Everybody is in a bad mood...Handy gonna be okay...right ?
" Buddy...I al so sorry." Cry Hefty.

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