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It's been three days since the whole incident with Cassie's mom. Cassie was still staying at one of Hitman's places and she was alone most of the time. He would call and check up on her here and there but for the most part she was alone. They had went to the doctors and took a DNA test and were now waiting for the results to come in. Cassie hated that she had to take a DNA test when she knew who the father of her child was but she wanted Javen to feel comfortable with the whole situation and she did not want to be alone through this process at all.

Cassie looked towards the door as she heard the lock twist. In came Javen with a paper bag he looked up at Cassie as he walked in. She had on a tube top and some house shorts he stared at her small pudge that had started to appear especially after a full day of eating.

"Sup you straight?" He asked as he put the food on the counter approaching Cassie

"I'm fine, what's in the bag?" Cassie asked as she smiled she was excited to see him she had felt very alone and London had been working for the past few days

"Chinese food, your belly getting big fast. When them results suppose to come in?" Javen asked as he looked at Cassie

"They should be in tomorrow or the day after that I'm hoping. Are you staying here tonight?" She asked as she looked at Javen

He shrugged and soon sat on the couch barely acknowledging Cassie's presence. She sighed she got mixed emotions from Javen all the time. One minute he'd wanna be all on her and the next he didn't even acknowledge her in the room. She hated that he was that way but she accepted him for who he was. She stood up and made her way to the kitchen her phone begun ringing she immediately picked it up hoping it was London but it was Ray Cassie's friend from high school.

"Hello?" Cassie said as she looked at the FaceTime

"Wassup, what you saying tonight?" Ray asked as he looked at Cassie he was in the middle of stuffing his face

"Who dat is?" Javen asked as he heard a male voice

He knew he wasn't with Cassie but she wasn't about to sit around him and disrespect him by calling another man well he was right in the room and supposedly carrying his child.

"Ray, my friend" Cassie said as she looked at Javen who had a stern look on his face

She blushed as he looked away she didn't think he would care who called her phone. They spoke for about 5 minutes before Cassie hung up. She looked at Javen he was already done his plate of food. Cassie was horny and she had been really horny for some reason. She slowly walked over to Javen and sat on top of him he was on his phone and she wanted his attention.

"Wassup?" He asked as he looked at Cassie

He liked Cassie but he wasn't sure if he was ready to go on that level with her and he didn't wanna lead her on with sex.

"Can we have sex?" She asked in a low tone

"You need to feed my child" Javen said as he stared at Cassie her belly was finally showing a bit

"Now it's your child?" Cassie asked as she looked at him with a smirk

It made her feel good to hear him say it was his child even though she knew it was she hated feeling alone with this pregnancy.

"I ain't into all that right now, but yeah we can fuck what you horny?" He asked as he looked at Cassie who was already tugging on his clothes

She nodded before she pulled his manhood out his pants and slowly sat on his erected penis. Javen looked at Cassie and groaned as he bit his lip. Her pussy was soaking wet and she had never rode him before he was shocked and couldn't control his emotions towards her.

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