Chapter 1

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My first novel hope you like first Chapter! Comment vote and add to your library! Oh follow me!!!
*Beep Beep Beeeep!* "Shut up" I yelled.
"Hurry up its your last day of school sweetie before the move!" Mom boomed from downstairs.
"Fine!!!!!" I yelled getting up.
I hate mornings, I'm really not q morning person.. I jumped in the shower real quick to wet my hair. Then I got my moose and gel and scrunched it. My hair was now curly. I then did a little braid bump on my head. People say no makeup looks beautiful.... Um no! That's overrated I wear makeup that fits me like I don't look pike I drowned in it but I don't look like I didn't put a dab on either. I did my makeup particularly well for my age with no one teaching me. I am 16 and well a lot of girls my age are going through some crazy makeup stages. After doing everything else a girl does in the morning I looked at my reflection in the mirror. To be truthful, sorry if I sound shallow, I looked quite hot. I had long straight brown,kinda highlighted dark hair...honey kinda brown eyes, and I was 5..5 and I was skinny as a toothpick.
Also I thought it was weird I don't look like mom. I didn't have a dad, I was told he left my mom before I was born. I must look like him.
"Sweetie hurry your breakfast is getting cold." I laughed at that.
My mom never cooked breakfast endless I had a state test or it was a special occasion like today. Usually it was candy or chips for breakfast that sounds crazy right, but what are ya gonna do?
"Coming"I yelled.
I tiptoed over the boxes, yes my room was totally packed up. I quickly ran down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Sweetie you want pancakes or sausage?" She asked.
"Mom seriously, I want both....duh!" She laughed handing me my plate.
Really and truly I ate like a man and didn't gane a pound. My weight right now was 110 but I didn't look skin and bones.
After we ate mom took me to school. Ah school the most horrible place on earth. Not! I actually enjoyed school besides the you know "mean" girls. I really wasn't that intimidated by them. But usually they were intimidated by me when I opened my mouth after their rude comments toward someone.
"Sare Bear! Sare Bear! Over here!" A girl called. That was one of my best friends Jaycee I was really going to miss her.
"Hey girl where is Shelby?" I asked.
"Probably out with this weeks new boy toy " she made with a face.
"So true " Yes we talked about our friend but who doesn't. Not any one I have ever met.
"Let's get to class"I laughed.
All we did all day was color, help teachers move rooms, and free time on our phones. I loved the end of the year because we never do anything . I hung out with everyone all day, the day was full of goodbyes , we will miss you, sad tears none of which being mine. I don't know why but I never cried. It takes something big for me to cry. I was sad but I didn't show it, my mom always said I was a strong one. When the day ended I promised Shelby and Jaycee that I'd text them everyday and occasionally call.
I started my walk home like every other day. Suddenly I felt weird. Like something or really someone was watching me.
"Hello? Any one there?" I asked.
Silence so I kept walking.
I swore I heard footsteps again I turned around.
"Hi I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Christian, but everyone calls me Chris" he smirked.
God he looked hot, not everyday hot, I mean smoking angelic hot.
But why was he following me.
"Why were you following me?" I glared.
" Uh uh um.....uh I was um..making sure you were OK a girl walking all by her lonsome isn't safe." He said with a lot of struggle.
"Uhuh nice save " I said annoyed.
"Let me take you home" he asked serious now.
"No thank you" I said and started to walk away.
He grabbed my arm" please let me take you, the world is filled with bad people and I was raised to help a maiden in distress."
"Fine but why the sudden history, we are not in England!"
He had class I'll give him that and money! He was driving a red Lamborghini for goodness sake. I gave him directions. It was really awkward. Then finally we were home.
"Let me walk you to the door " he said.
"Fine"I said with no protests.
My mom answered before my key hit the deadbult.
"Hi who is this, Sarah?" She asked with a weird look I had never seen.
"I insisted she ride home instead of walk, the world is a horrible place nowadays. I'm Christian and you are? .....Ms.? "He asked.
"Tate, my name is Lilah Tate nice to meet you son. That was very considerate" she said.
"I'll see you around then ?" He said looking at me.
" Well honey we are moving today to Winston, Salem" she stated.
"I'm sorry to hear that" he said looking urgently with drawled.
"Well we must get to packing!" Mom cheered.
He noticed his que to leave.
"Well I better go nice meeting you."
After hours of packing and getting everything loaded into the fed ex truck we were off to the airport.
We got on the plane and me and mom were in first class. Don't know how she pulled that.
"Honey I'm going to sleep, I'll see you in a couple of hours" she smiled.
"OK" I smiled a little nervous. I'm terrified of planes but I decided to shut my eyes. It must have worked because the last thing I remembered was the sound of the flight attendant talking to a really hairy dude a row up from me.
Chris POV
I walked away from my car. I approached two double dank doors in a alley.
"Password" a big buff guy stated.
"Archer" I boomed.
"Very well their in room 378"he stated.
I walked down the hallway to find my destination.
They were all wearing black, loading guns ,sharpening knives, and packing them.
"There is a phone call for you" my friend Eric said.
"Hello ? "I said.
"Yes sir, I have news....."I hesitated.
"What is it ? Answer me" the caller stated.
"....We found her" I whispered.
Then the line went dead and not knowing I just signed her death certificate. We had been looking for her for a long time. I was just a soldier in this war that was going on secretly among us. I just couldn't shake the feeling that who ever she was, was important and needed to be kept a secret.
I also couldn't shake the feeling that I had a protectiveness over her, and that from the first time I met her that I might just be....unconditionally in love with her.
So what ya think good? Comment yes or no is it good so far or not. I need opinions if it is vote, follow me ,or add my story to your library!

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