A Stormy Night

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Jerking awake from hearing a loud crash.


A white painted door slowing opening to a stripped wallpaper hallway


Walking on the creaky floorboards, listening to the water droplets hit the windows


It was a dark stormy night, thunder crackling, flashes of light filling the living.


A black silhouette stood, looking over their shoulders breathing heavily.

Only getting glimpses of the murderer and corpses with the light flashing through the windows

Their eyes were stone cold with pale blood stained skin, standing over mutilated bodies.

The corpses were my father and mother.

Their blood seeping into the tan brown living room carpet, static coming from the TV.

A bloody hand fell to the floor along with a gurgling coughing sound.


Gasping with her blood filled lungs


A blood curdling stomp stopped the worried mother's breath.

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