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Alex pov:

(Its valentimes day in this time btw)

It was the day when i get to tell Gray how i truly feel. I was waiting at the park sitting on the bench nervesly waiting for Gray. I wonder...did i put way to much hints in that note? Is that why hes not here? My line of thought was broken when i saw Gray from a distenc. I ran to him in a hury without thinking. When our eyes meet,Gray turned red really fast and i think he even zoned out.

"Yeah,so about the notes..."

"...Oh! Yeah,yeah,right. Ive benn wondering about that for some time now.

"Gray...i like you and-"

By this time he looked really,REALLY happy. So much that before i could finish,he pulled me in for a kiss but i was able to push him. He was on the ground with me on top of him. We stayed like that for about 5 sec just looking into each others eyes. I quickly stod up while Gray was still on the ground probobly thinking about what hes done.

"What...what the fuck what was that Gray...!?"

"I DONT KNOW MAN" he said as he was getting up with his face red as a tomato

"You know what? My bad man. I shouldive had taken the chance. But now that we are here...can we try again...?"

"Of corse"

I grabed him by the hips and pulled him twords me. We started kissing and soon we started making out. At that moment, evrything was so butifull. The trees were all pink,flowers were feelt like a dream! I stoped him before things started geting way to deep. He stared into my eyes with hapines and love in his eyes. God hes adobrle.

"Alex,will you always love me?"

"Of-corse honey"

Then out of no were,Gray slowly pulled out some box of chocolets with a drawing in front of the box. It had "SUFFER" writen with very bright and fun colors and with a little stick man drawing of me and Gray holding hands.

"Wait,how did you know i was gonna tell you this?'

"I didint. I always had a MAJOR crush on you and it was just so werd seeing you sent me a note on valentimes day so i made this just in case"

I could see that he was sad when he said that. We walked thogetor back home,me asuring him evry thing is ok.

Gray X Alex, BitchWhere stories live. Discover now