Sahasi And Ananda's Death

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It has been 1 week since King Atma passed away

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It has been 1 week since King Atma passed away. Scar now has a plan to steal a cub from The Night Pride. "So here is the plan: We will talk to those 2 parents and tell them either they will hand over their eldest cub or we take the cub from their cold, lifeless paws." Scar Said. "We Get It, Scar." Zira Said. "Let's get moving. We want to be seen by them before stealing the cub." Scar Said. Little did they know was that Ullu was watching them. "Sahasi! Sahasi!" Ullu Called. "What is it?" Sahasi Asked. "There are Intruders at The Mountain Pass!" Ullu Said. "Take us to them." Sahasi Said. "That's what I'll do." Ullu Said. Queen Janna and the Night Pride left the den. "With Strength And Respect! NIGHT PRIDE PROTECT!" Queen Janna and The Night Pride Say. "They're Coming." Scar Said. "Let's go and get that cub." Scar Added. They rushed to The Tree Of Life immediately to see The Night Pride. "Get away from the Tree Of Life!" Sahasi Said. "We won't leave until you give us your oldest cub. Do that or we will take him from your cold, lifeless paws." Scar Said. "Listen to my mate and surrender or you will die." Zira Said. "You can only take him Over Our Dead Bodies!" Ananda Said. "Very well!" Zira Said. Zira's Lionesses then started chasing Mountain goats into Cika Escarpment where Scar and Zira lore Sahasi And Ananda. Both lions of The Night Pride reach the edge of Cika Escarpment Rock. Then Sahasi And Ananda both start dangling from the cliff. Scar and Zira pounce on Sahasi And Ananda. "Long Live The Prince!" Scar Said to Sahasi. "Long Live The Princess!" Zira Said To Ananda. Then they were both thrown off the cliff as their cubs watched. "MOM!" Kovu Yelled. "DADDY!" Rani Yelled. "NOOOOOOOO!" Baliyo Yelled. Later the stampede cleared. "DAD!" Kovu Yelled. "MOM?!" Rani Yelled. "DAD?" Baliyo Yelled. Later they found the dead bodies of their parents. "Dad? Dad come on... You gotta get up..." Kovu Said. "Dad? We Gotta go home..." Kovu Said. He nudged Sahasi And bit his ear but no response. "No! HELP! SOMEBODY! UNCLE SURAK! AUNTIE NIRMALA! GRANDMA JANNA! PLEASE HELP!" Kovu Said. He eventually gave up and cried in his father's arm. Scar came to steal Kovu away from his father's cold, lifeless paws. Baliyo went to his father and crawled under Sahasi's arm while saying bye to Kovu. Later Surak And Nirmala arrived. "Baliyo... What Happened?" Surak asked. "It was Scar... and the stampede... he-he tried to protect us... Kovu tried to wake dad up but he didn't wake up." Baliyo Said. "It's my fault... I let him die..." Baliyo Said. "It's not your fault that this happened. Sahasi And Ananda Are Dead... If it weren't for Scar they'd still be alive." Surak Said. Baliyo had a horror look on his face and some tears came out of Surak's eyes. "My father told me if something bad happens to your parents, Me and Nirmala would have to take care of you..." Surak Said. "That is what we are going to do from now on. With you and your big sister." Nirmala Said. There was no way that many lions would get over the fact that Sahasi And Ananda were dead. This was not an easy moment at all... It was so sad to know this had happened... but it has.

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