The Neon City

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So we came down the road about to reach the stop light, when it went red, and all the other cars before us stopped. All I saw next was Amanda's hand dig into the gear handle, and we flew off while the stoplight was still on red.

"Hey what're you doing!"

"Oh don't worry."

I looked back to see if any cops were around and saw what just happened. Luckily none was there, but the street cam caught us.

She saw me looking back, "Its Los Santos, cops are too busy taking down drug lords and Mafia bosses to care."

She was right though. Cops in Los Santos would never bat an eye to such small crimes. Their main priority was taking down the Lauruso Mafia and the Kelly Park Ballers gang.

The Lauruso Mafia was the most powerful Mafia in Los Santos and the most feared, they were known for drug and human trafficking, assassinations, street racing, extortion and racketeering while the Kelly Park Ballers gang were the most powerful gang in Los Santos, known for drive-bys, theft, mass shootings, street racing and drug dealing. The KPB and the Lauruso Mafia were sworn enemies.

After a couple minutes, Amanda and I pulled up to a square, where I saw crowds of people partying. My mouth widened, but that wasn't what surprised me.

In the midst of these people were expensive sports cars, tuners, american muscles, and some other rare beauties like custom builds and old classics, spoilers and unique but colorful vinyls, Neon lights, loweriders, imported speakers that could bust open your ear drums. It was car heaven, and I was like a little kid in a toy store.

Amanda smiled at me through her rear view mirror, "Welcome to the Neon City Shawn. This is what its about."

"Whoa! This is lit!"

"Told you you'd love it here."

As we strolled in, my eyes where blinded by headlights in the night, and my ears assaulted by loud speakers, but I loved every moment of it. Even the bass of the songs vibrating across my chest gave me this tingling sensation that I liked.

We parked along the row of cars on the side of the street and got out. She walked off as I sat on the hood of the car, but when she realized I wasn't walking with her she turned back.

"C'mon don't be shy, let's go."

"Tch! I'm not shy," I sighed, "Okay."

I mustered up some courage and went with her. I didn't want her to think I was boring, and after she invited me out, I just couldn't refuse.

"Last year I was the new girl too, so I understand how you feel."

"Wow, you're the only person that's been so nice to me since I got here."

"Ha! Ha! I heard about the fight. Don't pay Brock any mind he's just a jerk, but everyone else isn't so bad. I'll show you one now."

She led me to this African-American guy with cornrows and a green Ballers cap, sitting on the hood of a golden Mistubishi Lancer. He had several girls around him who seemed to be captivated by something he was saying.

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