Chapter 2

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Wendy Darling huffed as she stomped through the forest in her filthy blue nightgown. She was the target of the Lost Boys' roughhousing and when she asked for Peter's help, he simply told her, "Relax, Wendy. They're only playing."

So, she walked off in hopes that Peter would chase after her. But, that was thirty minutes ago. Or was it only three? Wendy forgot how time worked on this island. Wendy Darling feared that she would soon lose her way and her sanity. She had no idea where she was going and she was becoming hungry. Wendy walked for a little while longer until she came across a bush full of purple berries. Questions of her safety quickly vanished as she plucked one from the bush and ate it. The taste was sweet and a little sour, just like the smell on Tiger Lily's breath the other day.

As she went to eat another one, Tiger Lily herself popped up from the other side of the bush with a yell. Wendy screamed and jumped back. Tiger Lily watched the pale girl in amusement, and stood over her. She said something that made herself smile and Wendy confused.

"Oh, for the last time, I can't understand you!", Wendy yelled.

Tiger Lily tilted her head and grabbed Wendy by the arm, pulling her to her feet. Both girls' eyes widened when Wendy stumbled forward and grabbed onto Tiger Lily's shoulders, causing their noses to lightly touch. Wendy watched Tiger Lily's hand slowly slide from her arm to her hand. Their fingers intertwined, causing the blue-eyed girl to blush.
The indigenous girl nodded her head in a certain direction and started leading Wendy through the forest. Wendy sighed to herself. This was the one time Neverland was serene and beautiful; not trying to kill her nor give her heart palpitations. They passed flowers the color of the rising dawn, logs growing unique fungi, and vibrant chirping birds. Purple butterflies fluttered around them, causing Wendy to giggle. Tiger Lily smiled a little at the sound.

The bright sun peeked through the trees adding a nice warmth to Wendy's skin. She closed her eyes and raised her head towards the sky. Wendy only opened her eyes when she heard the sound of the rushing water.

They stood in front of a waterfall and a trail of seven stones leading towards it. Tiger Lily started to talk, but stopped herself. She let go of Wendy's hand and gestured to follow her. The girl in the nightgown watched in awe as Tiger Lily gracefully jumped from rock to rock, until she was close to the waterfall. She turned around and gestured for Wendy to follow. Taking a breath, Wendy removed her slippers and carefully made her way over to the rock Tiger Lily was on.

Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell into the cold water with a yelp. The entire time, Tiger Lily patiently waited and watched Wendy. Clearly annoyed and offended, Wendy glared up at Tiger Lily and stretched out her hand. Rolling her eyes, the indigenous girl nodded her head for Wendy to get up. She turned away and disappeared through the falling water.

"Of course she wants me to get more drenched," Wendy grumbled to herself.

Wendy stood up and reluctantly followed Tiger Lily through the waterfall. Before she walked through, Wendy took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut. The feel of rushing cold water on the back of her neck made her squeal. She balled her fists as her blue nightgown clung to her. When she made it to the other side, she was suddenly in a cave with Tiger Lily who sat on her knees, twisting the water from her hair. Once Wendy sat across from her, Tiger Lily pushed forward a slab of stone with white markings on it. She took a deep breath and slowly said, "I am Tiger Lily."

Wendy let out a gasp and pointed at her. "You can talk! You made me feel absolutely foolish! Oh, I can't believe this!"

Tiger Lily looked at the girl, while trying to figure out what she just said. She wasn't fluent in English and she only knew a few words and sentences from her interactions with Peter. Interactions that were too long for her liking. She made an alphabet from letters in her native language in hopes that she could try to communicate with Wendy.

Tiger Lily only shrugged and pointed at the white markings on the stone. "How I talk."

It took Wendy a moment before she understood what Tiger Lily meant. She picked up a flat piece of stone, struggling with the weight of it due to her inexperience with lifting heavy objects, and began to write the English alphabet with a tiny rock.

The whole afternoon was spent by Wendy and Tiger Lily trying to decipher each other's language, and laughing about how some words sounded with the other's accent. The bright blue light from outside the waterfall turned a brilliant gold as day began to disappear. Tiger Lily noticed this, she looked behind Wendy to the entrance of the cave. She quickly stood up and took Wendy's slab of stone. She jumped through the running water and onto stone. Wendy's shoulders fell when she remembered that she had to go through water again to exit the cave.

With a sigh, she picked up Tiger Lily's stone and ran through the waterfall. When she went through, Wendy wasn't expecting Tiger Lily to be standing there waiting or her. She crashed into her and sent them backwards into the river with a shocked Wendy on top of Tiger Lily. They stayed like that for a short minute. The blushing girl was too mesmerized by the way Tiger Lily's brown eyes glowed in the setting Sun's light.

Tiger Lily placed her hand on Wendy's shoulder and gently pushed her off.
"Home," Tiger Lily said while pointing in a certain direction.
Wendy asked if they would meet again tomorrow in Tiger Lily's native language. She nodded with a slight smile and ran off. Wendy watched the girl's braids move with her as she ran and tilted her head at the foreign feeling that rose in her chest.

"Strange," Wendy whispered.

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