Chapter 4

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As soon as Wendy entered, she was immediately surrounded by Lost Boys and her little brothers wanting to play with her. Normally, their rambunctious shouting would have annoyed her easily, but after being in Tiger Lily's presence, she was a lot more at ease. Wendy politely declined and went to her bed. She barely got to sit down, before Peter appeared in front of her.

"Hi, Wendy!", Peter happily greeted.
"Hello, Peter."
"So, I was thinking...ya like mermaids?"

Wendy raised an eyebrow. "Mermaids?", she repeated, "There are mermaids here?"
"Of course! I'll introduce you to them tomorrow, if you'd like!"

Wendy grinned and happily clasped her hands together. "That sounds amazing! Oh, I can't wait! Thank you so much, Peter!"

"No problem!"
"Anything to keep you close," he thought.

• • •

While making her way through the forest and back home, Tiger Lily thought about "Darling Girl" and her strange behavior whenever Tiger Lily was close by.
The way Wendy's pale skin grows pink, or when she does dangerous actions whenever Tiger Lily is watching, or the way Wendy's heart beats wildly in her chest just being near Tiger Lily.

She knew what love was, but Tiger Lily doubted that was what Wendy felt for her. Love was a powerful emotion and Wendy seemed only to be interested in her.

Did Tiger Lily love Wendy? Well, she couldn't exactly say. Wendy used a lot big words that Tiger Lily didn't know, she was always grooming herself, and Wendy was really loud when speaking passionately about something.

However, to Tiger Lily, Wendy's laughter seemed more magical than pixie dust and mermaids. And, unlike the people in Tiger Lily's tribe, Wendy actually enjoyed her little pranks, and she liked that the English girl couldn't resist hooking her pinkie with Tiger Lily's when walking side by side.

Not to mention, no one has ever looked at Tiger Lily the way Wendy Darling has. Her blue eyes fill up with wonder and awe every time Tiger Lily quickly climbs a tree or hunts an animal for her tribe's dinner. And, her irises were laced with a kind of longing whenever Tiger Lily is so close that they can smell the other's berry-scented breath.

So, did Tiger Lily love Wendy?

She didn't get to reach a conclusion, before a big hand covered her mouth from behind. Not wasting a single second, Tiger Lily unsheathed her dagger from around her waist, reached around, and slashed the attacker's arm and hand three times. A yell escaped the person's throat and threw Tiger Lily to the ground. She quickly scrambled to her feet and began to run away.

The dark sky couldn't hide her for so long. The sun was starting to rise, illuminating Tiger Lily's running figure through the forest. She jumped over logs and ducked under low-hanging branches. Her brown eyes glanced behind her and when she faced forward again, something made of metal knocked her to the ground.

"Tie her up, Smee."

• • •

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