1. A Past To Remember

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Author/Third POV:

Two figures are walking down a hallway color in pure and clean white. One figure is an adult and the other is a child not older then 7.

Kiyotaka POV:

Why does Professor want me to meet this person. It's a waste of time unless if they're somewhat like me or close to my level. It would make sense because he never be this interested for me to meet someone, so the logical explanation is that this person maybe is on my level or more.

Professor: " Here we are. " said making me snap out.

I soon look around and see a white door. So the person he wants me to meet is behind that door.

Professor: " Come on we don't want them to wait don't we? "

After saying that Professor opens the door and the first thing I see was...
A boy standing with blood on his knuckles and some on his face, while on the floor was another boy that seems to be severely injured. Those two must have fought and he must have lost.

But soon after me and Professor walks in the room Professor then starts to clap his hands together.

Professor: " Great job {Name}, absolutely incredible. "

So his name is {Name}.

{Name}: " Hello there Professor. "

He looks at Professor

His voice sounds so calm but also monotonous.

He then seems to notice that I'm staring at him.

{Name}: " Who is he. "

Turns his head towards my detection, both our eyes meet. Now that I think about it his (e/c) eye are beautiful.

(now that isn't gay he was just complimenting his eyes. (눈‸눈) )

Kiyotaka: " My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokōji. "

I introduce myself.

{Name}: " Hello Ayanokōji, my name is {Name}{Last Name}. "

Professor: " Now that both of you know each other let's have a dual. Both of you fight each one another, in intelligence and physical. "

After Professor said that he whisper in my ear.

Professor: " Don't Lose "

Of course I won't lose, but the way you say it Professor it seems to be you know something about {Last Name} that he might win. But I won't let that happen.

I nodded to respond to Professor.
Le~ times skip~
Author/Third POV:
After the two 7 year olds did every test they were both tie in everything. So Professor Ayanokōji made one more test to know who is the winner.

Professor: " Both of you boys are incredible in every way. But I must say it will have to come down to only one of you to stay at the very top, so for the last test is...
Fighting. "

Now both the boys are in a fighting ring. Who will win? Kiyotaka Ayanokōji or {Name} {Last Name}?
The answer will be revealed...
. (Why are you still scrolling?)
. (Your not giving up?)
. (Fine)

The boys where both great in speed and strength. Kiyotaka's reflex acted quickly and {Name}'s agility was able to make him move quickly and easily. But in the end the winner was...

The both of them were hurt but not severely injured. But both boys did got something out of that fight, something in them open but they don't know what it was. Kiyotaka Ayanokōji was surprised to know he lost but it made him happy for some reason. Maybe he was happy to know he can get better and actually grow more to fight him again in the future. For {Name} {Last Name} he was now interested in Kiyotaka Ayanokōji knowing he is in the same level as him, now wanting to have a interesting future with him and not a boring one.( Not gay! At least not yet...)
Le~ times skip~
Author/Third POV:
In a bus we see {Name} and Kiyotaka sitting next to each other and in red high school students uniforms. It seems like our two protagonists are going to high school, what could go wrong?


Done with this chapter.

Words: 666




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