3. We meet again

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(Yeah I know it's been a whole month since I updated lol. Ok now have fun with all the updates.)

[Setting: Inside the High School Covered Court]

Orientation Ceremony Host: "And now, a few words from the student council president."

Soon a black haired male who was at an average height of 5'10, the said male then proceeded to head on to the sage and speak in front of people.

And as you listen you learned that the males name was Manage Horikita, what a surprise! Like you gives a damn to be honest. You didn't really wanna listen because it was just straight up useless and boring, no fun or any exciting things are happening. You felt like you were about to sleep while standing, that's ruff buddy.

Then Kiyotaka looks at Suzune Horikita while wondering to himself, with {Name} watching over Kiyotaka to make sure he doesn't do something stupid that could get him targeted by the wrong people.

Kiyotaka: "We're even in the same class?"

Kiyotaka thought to himself but as we all know for some magical reason {Name} was able to hear him. (What are you!?)

{Name}: "For some reason seeing you stare at a girl feels illegal to me."

Kiyotaka then looks at {Name} with no reaction, but {Name} knew that Kiyotaka was mad at him. I mean, who wouldn't?

Kiyotaka: "Your acting if I'm a pervert."

{Name}: "Maybe you'll turn into one because of how this is the first time you ever been to a real school, and also to see real woman."

After {Name} said does word telepathically he got elbowed to one of his rib by Kiyotaka, it didn't hurt for {Name} but it would definitely hurt a normal human body. Soon the speech that the council president give ends.

Manabu Horikita: "Access here in just entirely on merit. So you alone control your path."

After him saying his final sentence the bell rings.

[Bell rings.]

[Setting: 1st Year D-Class Room]

After both {Name} and Kiyotaka walk they reach their class room, the two males saw that the students are chatting and talking in Class 1-D, while some decided to stay in their seats.

Soon both males decided to sit on their designated seats, both {Name} and Kiyotaka got a window seat but {Name} was in front of Kiyotaka. Then when both of them sits down they saw a familiar tsundere come in, it was Suzune Horitika. It made both the males and female look at each other but the female glare at them both. {Name} then glares at her back, what did he ever do to her!? What a bitc-

And in the background you can here some random students talk about random things, like books or their love life, etc. Their not important unlike our two main characters who would fuc-

Kiyotaka sitting with his arms on the desk. He looks at Suzune Horikita while thinking about the coincidences. A stupid coincidence, {Name} though, was it because he called her a bitc-

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "She has the seat next to me?"

Kiyotaka said with a bit of announce. But all {Name} does is spoke back to Kiyotaka with telepathy(HOW!?).

{Name}: "Then go cry about it."

After saying that {Name} turns his body to face both Kiyotaka and Suzune Horitika. Kiyotaka then look at {Name} and slightly glare at him then stop. Soon the tsudere decided to talk, why not shut that annoying mouth of a slu-

Suzune Horikita: "An annoying coincidence."

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "Our feeling's mutual."

But as Suzune Horitika glares at {Name} he pulls out his middle finger at her, but he hides it from the cameras of course! His such a genius! 🤭🤭🤭

Suzune Horitika then looks at {Name} with anger in her eyes, she wanted to stab him with her compass. But then a boy shouts to get the attention of the class. Wow {Name} is lucky that he didn't get stabbed by her compass. {Name} has the best plot armor lol!

Yōsuke Hirata : "Hey guys! Listen up for a sec. We should go around the room and introduce ourselves. Start to get familiar with each other. I'd like to get to know you guys. Plus the teacher isn't here yet, so we might as well. Does that sound okay?"

Well {Name} didn't really turn his body fully but enough to see the face of the male, he looked alright to {Name}. While some students were agreeing to the male named Hirata, {Name} was checking everyone out from head to toe, from how they spoke to their body language. (That sounded so wrong 😭😭😭)

The only reason why {Name} does this is to see who is a threat, a useful tool for Kiyotaka, a fun toy for himself, or a useless garbage. It was something that {Name} does a lot, heck! Even in the bus he was doing it. He was judging them to the point he knows what they think, how they think, and what they're doing to do. {Name} has a gift of knowing to much of something or someone to the point he can tell what it's future might be. Like a prediction, but this time he knows it will happen, reasons why {Name} is so useful to Kiyotaka that he doesn't want to lose him. (Don't worry they'll fall in love eventually ☺☺☺)

Yōsuke Hirata: "I'm glad to hear it. Well, I guess I'll go first then. I'm Yōsuke Hirata-"

Yeah, yeah, more words! Some of the side characters aren't even important! This story is about two boys being Gay-

Soon after people start to introduce themselves to everyone in the class, some people where acting to be friendly, others were perverts, and some crack jokes. The only reason why Kiyotaka was even paying attention to them was to gain info on how to do a normal introduction, and {Name} had fun watching Kiyotaka think on how he should introduce himself.

But then Yōsuke Hirata looks over to Kiyotaka and that means he was going next, it nearly made {Name} smile on how Kiyotaka will try to introduce himself. Will it end good or bad?

Yōsuke Hirata: "Next up... How about you?"

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "Uh...Who Me?"

Hahahaha! {Name} was internally chuckling to himself to see how the cold, monotonous, social awkward male will do.

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "No getting out of this one. I'd better muster up the energy to stand up and say something. For the sake of my reputation."

Then Kiyotaka stands up and starts to introduce himself. {Name} was looking at Kiyotaka with very much attention, time for Kiyotaka to make {Name} be entertained.

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "Uh... So Um... I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokōji. Uh... I can't wait to study with you. Ah, um... I'm not really good at anything in particular. Uh... I'll do my best to get along with you all."

It went silent as Kiyotaka sits back down, it was so awkward! 💀💀💀

Then the students clap for his introduction, how {Name} wanted to laugh his ass off by Kiyotaka, now that made him so entertained. Poor Kiyotaka getting degraded by {Name} lol. 😂😂😂

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: "I blew it."
I'm alive! Yeah...lol😹😹😹
Chapter done

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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