2. A Tsundere spotted

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Author/Third POV:
Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (Monologue): " If I may, I'd like to pose an interesting question: ' Are all human beings truly equal? ' These days everywhere you go there's talk about the fight for equality. "

Then an old woman enters the bus, which is filled with mostly Advanced Nurturing High School students.

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (Monologue): " As a wise man once said, "Heaven does not create one person above or below another." People like to throw these words around. That's not the whole quote. It goes on to say that "... while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon, things begin to change. Academic effort is what sets some people apart to rise above the others. "

The bus leaves with one person left behind.

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (Monologue): " At any rate- "

{Name} {Last Name} (Monologue): " Can you shut up. "

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji was then cut off by {Name}.
He then turned his head to the (h/c) boy who was leaning his head on the window.

{Name} {Last Name} (Monologue): " You're being loud I'm trying to sleep. "

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (Monologue): " I still wonder to this day how can you know what I'm thinking. "

{Name} {Last Name} (Monologue): " I'm still wondering why are you so loud in your brain. "

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji (Monologue): " This is {Name} {Last Name}, if you don't know who he is then go back and read the A/N. "

{Name} {Last Name} (Monologue): " I'm going to sleep. "

After saying that a girl in the Advanced Nurturing High School uniform speaks up. It seems like she wanted to help the old lady by asking another student to give up his seat.

Kikyō Kushida: " Uhm, excuse me, sir? ... Would you be willing to give up your seat? "

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji: " Hmm? "

{Name} {Last Name}: " Hmm... "

Kiyotaka then turns his head towards the girl, while {Name} looks out the window. {Name} already didn't like the girl, he finds her annoying. Meanwhile {Name} was I'm his little dean work, completely ignoring everything. There was a little scene happening, it's not like he cares or anything.

Kikyō Kushida: " That is priority seating after all. So it'd only be right for you to let this older woman sit there. "

The girl protest against the young man.

Rokusuke Kōenji: " My, my, you're a pretty girl. I understand that this is priority seating honey, but there's no law forcing me to give it up. You think I should have to stand up just because I'm still young? [Chuckles] What a bunch of ageist-y nonsense. Sure I'm younger than her, but standing uses way more energy than sitting. Tell me, why must I sacrifice my health for this lady's sake? "

{Name} {Last Name} (Monologue): " He got a point. "

{Name} mentally agrees to the blonde boy.

Kikyō Kushida: " Because you'd be contributing to the greater good of humanity. And just take a look at her, she's having trouble staying upright. "

Rokusuke Kōenji: " I have zero interest in contributing to the greater good. And anyway, there are plenty of other jerks on this bus who could give up their seats. Furthermore, I don't see much difference between a priority seat and a regular one, so ask someone else to be a hero. "

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