Day 3: Take Your Kid to Work Day

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Sorry this took so long. Between college, freaking out over Hurricane Ian, and playing Mario Odyssey, Luigi's mansion 1 and 3, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (Found it in my local gamestop, talk about luck!) and Mario & Luigi Dream Team (I FINALLY got my hands on a copy that isn't overpriced) I haven't had the time to write this. (I got those games because my 22nd birthday was games and money and what 22 year old wouldn't spend 100 on games?) Anyways, I spent this weekend and last weekend writing this instead of sleeping. Because sleep is for the weak. This might be a shorter chapter... As always, any ideas for future chapters is welcomed. I kind of have up to only day 5 and some of week 3 planned out. Day 6, 7, and week 2 are a roadblock for me.

Smg3 woke up to a small weight on him and a dark room. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was and why it wasn't his bedroom. 'Right, we had the pillow fort yesterday. We must have fallen asleep then.'

He glanced down at the child who was fast asleep and curled up against him. 'At least he didn't have any nightmares this time.' He then frowned as he noticed the other two people (who were snoring loudly) in the room. 'I forgot to send them home. Why didn't they wake me up to do that? It's too early in the morning to deal with people.'

Smg3 sighed as he resigned himself to being stuck in his spot til the brat woke up.

He lazily reached for his phone to open a portal to the real world (other world? Upper world? Whatever you call it) right under Bowser, then Xbox996.(um... he can do that, right? Right. Let's go with that.)

The two sleeping dummies who overstayed their welcome woke with a start as they fell right onto their respective properties, both cursing Smg3 for the rude awakening. Thankfully, no one heard them yelling about Smg3 or shit would go down. But that didn't make their morning any better. Waking up to hitting the ground is not fun, you know.

Meanwhile, 4 was sleeping soundlessly, without a care or fear in the world. No nightmares to plague him. Nothing to cause worry or stress. Just innocent dreams of a sweet child. Right now, he was following dream Terrance around a giant cavern, which was made from ice cream and cupcakes! And of course they were on a grand quest to save the missing Daddy (Smg3) who was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Daddy's friend who looked like him and Daddy took him (poor kid knows no names XD)? Or maybe a dragon did! All he knew was that his daddy was somewhere in this cavern. As they neared a chocolate door that was beyond the kool aid pools and jello stones, he readied to find out what was on the other side. He jumped from jello stone to jello stone to avoid the yummy pools below. He walked up to the door with excitement. As he entered the room he saw Daddy in a cage made from rockcandy and a shadowed stranger... who was it? But as the stranger was about to reveal themselves-

The child awoke with a frown. The child was upset that he didn't get to find out who the bad guy was. His dream was just getting interesting. Why did he have to wake up? So unfair. He glanced up after hearing a snort to see an amused Smg3 staring down at him.

"What are you frowning about? You look like Santa just declared he was giving you a pink dress for christmas. It wasn't a nightmare, right? You aren't crying, so that's not likely... What's got you so grumpy, Brat?" Smg3 asked him.

The child's eyes lit up as he replied, "I was having the best dream-"

"Best, huh?" Smg3 interjected.

"Yeah, the best! A candy and sugar world and me and Terrance were on a quest to save Daddy who went missing. But right before I could see who the bad guy was, I woke up! Right when things were getting good my stupid brain wakes me up." 4 pouted.

"At least it wasn't a nightmare. Also, Terrence was there?" Smg3 questioned.

Smg4 made an affirmative noise before saying, "he was a magnificent knight who could fight anything!"

The reluctant caretaker AU (smg4 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now