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sorry for the long wait :(

4 wakes up feeling content. No nightmares of the scary time man nor any dreams of daddy hating him. He did however have dreams- no memories of 3 men come to him. Those three men were FM, X, and Mario. FM and X seemed fun. 4 Likes them from what his dreams show about them. Mario however feels like a crazy uncle and 4 wasn't sure how to feel about him. Huh... maybe he'll ask dad about it. Yeah, that was what he would do.

Smg4 got out of his bed and walked over to the baby gate that kept him in his room. With a huff he pulled toys and pillows over to it so he could climb over it. Daddy was silly if he thought that would keep him in his room. Once he got out of his room, he made his way over to 3's room in hopes of finding him there.

SMG3 was fast asleep, no worries in the world when suddenly a heavy weight landed on him. He jolted awake to see his temporary 4-year-old ward had jumped onto him.

"Ugh, its 6 in the morning... what do you want? Was it a nightmare? Are you hungry?" Smg3 groaned in annoyance, still half awake.

"Dad! I had dreams of these guys named FM, X, and Mario. FM and X sound cool but Mario acts like a crazy uncle. Who are they exactly?" 4 exclaimed excitedly.

3 tried to sit up as he tiredly looked at the kid perched on top of him. "Yeah, I know them. I don't exactly get along with them seeing they are your friends, and we fought a lot..."

"What are they like?" 4 asked.

"Well... they do memes with you at times, and they are good friends of yours. I don't really pay attention to what you guys do so I can't really get into detail. However, Mario is around you the most." 3 explained.

"Oh? Thats cool! Why is Mario so weird though?" 4 asked.

"Because Mario is not smart and adult you have to often save him from trouble." 3 said as he moved 4 off of him and got out of bed.

"Oh, so I'm his dad? And why can't he watch me?" 4 beamed. (4, no!)

"No?! You guys are just friends. However, Mario can get into a lot of trouble, and you often got dragged into it. Without a doubt he's the last person I'd let watch a kid. He has burned his own house down and has used kids as footballs before. Not to mention he lacks responsibility. Quite frankly, most of the trouble adult you finds himself in is because of Mario. He's an okay friend for you, but he's not exactly parent material. You'd probably die within an hour in his care." Smg3 explained, not wanting 4 to even consider going to Mario in this state.

Just because he hates the guy doesn't mean he's going to let the child be in Mario's care. Thats low even for him.

"Oh... so I guess that means you won't let adult me's friends watch me?" 4 questioned.

"Kid, most of adult You's friends are not trustworthy with kids. I'm not leaving you in their care." 3 sighed.

"Aww, Dad does care about me!" 4 said with a smile as he made grabby hands at Smg3.

"Yeah whatever, Brat. Now let's go get you changed into something that isn't pajamas, alright?" 3 huffed as he picked up 4.

4 smiled as he hugged 3. "Yay! What are we doing today, Dad?"

'Hmm... I wonder. If I teach him things like lying and pickpocketing, will it corrupt adult him? Or would he just be annoyed with me for trying to corrupt him when he was young and had malleable mind? Eh, fuck it. I'm corrupting him.' Smg3 thought to himself.

"Well, I thought we could maybe have a pool party than I could teach you a few things." Smg3 replied mischievously.

"Pool? You have a pool?!" 4 asked excitedly.

The reluctant caretaker AU (smg4 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now