Numb numb numb

21 0 0

My mouth is numb.

I went to my appointment. They just replaced the filling so the pain wouldn't be as bad, and I told the dentist I chose root canal.

So here's what.

The dentist said they'd do a revaluation next time and takes pictures all around my mouth. If I still had cavities by then, they'll extract my tooth.

Which is not what I want.


I'm supposed to improve my oral hygiene.


I smoke cigarettes cause like, stress ya know? And I know for a fact that if I want to improve my oral hygiene, I just might have to quit smoking...


dude that sounds bad.

Kill me.


Back to my tooth.

She's a bitch but we love her. If she has to go bye bye, she has to go bye bye.

My mom doesn't have a tooth.

It's fine.

Anyways pt. 2

My mouth is numb and I can't stop playing with my lip and biting down on my tongue.

They removed the blue thing that was over my mouth and THE FUCKING STRING OF SALIVA


I hated it. My mouth hurt and NOBODY WOULD TAKE ME INSIDE. I mean, it was easy but ITS FUCKINF SCARY

Just because my sisters were wearing "non-appropriate" clothing when someone LITERALLY ran around naked in our community.

I got so impatient and made it apparent. I started cracking my fingers and moved my legs around a little and I got the answer I wanted.

"We're almost done here"


I was literally like "yeah it's gonna take another 10 years" half way through😭😭

Now I'm at mt sisters since she lives close to the hospital and it was closer.

I'm watching the exorcist and I'm kinda happy, though I feel something in my mouth, I'm not sure what.

this dude in the exorcist literally slammed both his fists on the priests chest✋😭😭



Byeeeeeee bitches


dear old toothOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant