I don't even know

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Me and Ava are like 👁👄👁. Why the BTS? We said we weren't getting dressed cuz we liked our outfits(our names weren't our real names in this dumb roleplay). So Stacy puts on the shortest skirt you can get in the game and we're just like bruh. But anyways we go to the movie theatre place which has everything and instead of going to the stage and pretending the BTS were there we went in the actual movie theatre. Me and Ava were like: we gotta get out of this(we were calling each other) so we make an excuse to go get pizza so we can leave. But like a minute later I decide to eavesdrop on Stacy who is having a fake phone call with her fake dad that her fake mom has fake cancer. So we leave the theatre together and Stacy says give me 5k dollars. And we say that we don't have 5k and she says well you have to work and we're over here pretending to be 10 while she wants us to work and give her 5k dollars. But we go in the car and you know when in Brookhaven 2 cars crash it sets a fire? Wel she crashed into someone 2 seconds after we start driving so we're still right beside the movies. The car sets on fire we all pretend to pass out the fire fighters come and Stacy wakes up and says in chat: I can't do this anymore. And leaves us die in a fire while she runs off to the airport to see her fake mom with fake cancer. We pretend she left us for 9 years so we're pretending to be 19 now. She comes back and says emotionally in the chat: there's somewhere I want to take you to.

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