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She takes us to... the ADOPTION CENTRE. Like BRUH. YOU ABANDONED US FOR 9 YEARS COME BACK ONLY TO SEND US TO THE ADOPTION CENTRE. WERE 19 WE CAN'T GO TO THE ADOPTION CENTRE. So I point that out and then me and Ava pull out an axe and start hitting her with it she pretends to die and then some emo boy who has nothing to do with this watches us fight with Stacy and says hey hey what's going on here? We ignore him and then pull out our axe kill her and the emo boy takes out his phone while he's on his skateboard and calls the police saying 911 help. Somehow in some magical land the police actually come. That fake phone leads to absolutely nothing and the police in that game come and usually there isn't even anyone doing any jobs and the police come so me and Ava have a wild goose chase running away from the police. We hide in the abandoned house trying to find a way to kidnap Stacy.  

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