Chapter 33

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  • Didedikasikan kepada all the wonderful voters and commenters :)

Hello my beautiful readers :)

My story has now officially come to an

Thank you for the 500 votes :D

I'm not going to write much here because I bet everyone's eager to read the last chapter, so  stick around for the Author's note which will be posted next, it's really important :]

Here is the final chapter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :')

-SM xx


Six months later.

The boys walked into their apartment, exhausted and horribly jet lagged after the tedious sixteen hour flight. They put their stuff down and  plopped down on the couch, all of them taking a much-needed breather. A certain blonde boy grumpily made his way towards the kitchen on a quest for something to eat - he had always hated airplane food. A dark-eyed boy was sitting on the beanbag, smiling as he texted his girlfriend, something he had been doing whenever he could get his hands on his phone. How he was so cheerful after a flight as long as his was a wonder. The most responsible boy of them yawned before shuffling off his room as he was in desperate need of sleep.  

A single envelope lay on the floor near the door, and both the oldest of the boys and the one with the curly hair stepped forward to pick it up. They looked up at each other, and the one with the curly hair was met with a glare from the older boy. They had been on the worst terms, but they managed to put up an act for the fans. In reality however, the older boy had barely uttered a single word to  the green-eyed lad in the past six months. The oldest boy's heart would ache whenever he even looked at the younger boy. His wounds still hadn't healed. Heck, she was all he thought about.

One of them retrieved the letter and tore it open, finding that it was addresed to him after all. His eyes scanned the contents of the letter.

'Meet me at Southhall park, under the big oak tree, tonight at 7:00 pm. I'll be waiting -Em'

That was all it said. The boy slipped the letter into his pocket and walked away.

Liam's POV

We had been forced to go to some party by our lovely management, and frankly speaking, I'd rather be anywhere else. It had only been four hours since we'd landed after the most hectic tour ever, and I was severely jetlagged. But it would be rude to leave.

Parties are boring. And weird.

I was sitting on a bar stool, sipping on a glass of coke. Looking around and watching people seemed to be the only thing remotely interesting in this place. 

I glanced around and saw Harry dancing with Felicity. They were both smiling, so I guessed that things had worked out between the two.

My gaze then fell upon Mel and Zayn, who were talking to some friends. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her white sundress and silver gladiator sandals. She always managed to look so pretty with such little effort.  Zayn's arm was around her waist and it was hard to miss the happiness in both of their eyes as they talked and laughed together. 

That used to be me.

I sighed, shaking the thoughts out of my head. I was happy for them, really, I was. Yeah, it was taking time getting over a girl like Mel, and I guess I still had a little feelings for her (okay, more like a lot), but I was slowly getting there. 

Tangled in Love {One Direction Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang