Love and Fight

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*Thor was finished killing all the Jötnar that attacked Asgard*

Thor: I'm so bord, when will I find a challenge? *she then left the city*

*as then a man whereing green and black was walking in Asgard whit shock seeing the destruction that the Jötnar and death of half the city*

Y/N: Poor people, I can't belive that the gods allowed this kind of thing to there people. I will give you all a second chance in life.

*Y/N then used his powers to rebuild the city making the entire city glow green and its walls bigger and stronger*

*Whit civilians that survived*

*Civilians that are inside the capital*

Civilians 1: What is happening, is Thor beating those monsters?

Everyone was then outside seeing how the city was fixed yet stronger and had bigger walls*

*Whit Y/N*

Y/N: Alright now that the city is fixed time to give everyone there life back.

*he again then used his powers to bring people and angel guardians back to life, the bodies where healing and started to move showing sign of life and wake up*

Angel Guard: What... what happened?

Woman angel guard: I don't know... I feel like I was eaten by one of the Jötnar.

Chief solider: Is everyone alright.

Everyone: Yes were alright.

Civilian 2: Wait what happened to the Jötnar, did they leave?

Civilian 3: Never mind that, look at the city it's different!

*everyone then looked around seeing how the city was fixed and how much the walls are bigger*

Chief solider: By the gods, how long have wee been gone.

Y/N: I would say a couple of hours probably.

*everyone then noticed how Y/N was standing there, the guardian angels then took out there swords as they knew he wasn't from here*

Chief solider: State you're business here Human and how did you get here?

Y/N: Wow! what's whit the sword, I am not your enemy.

Chief solider: You are obviously not from around here and we protect these people.

Y/N: I promise I am not your enemy besides if you try to kill me.... You will be dead where you stand.

*everyone was scared at what Y/N said*

Angel guardian: Is that a threat?

Y/N: That's a warning not to fight me not a threat. But I am telling you I am not your enemy I came here to help.

Chief solider: Everyone put your wepons away!

*they did as told but where confused and worried what will happen*

Cheif solider: Why did you decide to help us and do you know what happened to Asgard?

Y/N: I couldn't let people die like that I wanted to help them because I want to protect those who can't protect them selves. I was also the one who brought you all back to life.

Civilian 4: That's obviously a lie. If you really brought all of us back to life then prove it.

*Y/N then pick up a dead flower and then this happens*

zygarde male reader x record of ragnarokUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum