Chapter 7

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"Wait." I pull away, out of breath and look into his eyes. A smile creeping up on my face as I run my hand from his soft hair, down to his neck and shoulders. "What is happening right now?"

He chuckles, "I have no idea but I'm enjoying every second of it." He reaches his hand up to my cheek and pulls me in again where he gently kisses my lips. For a second he looks at me and slightly smiles until I am completely pressed up against his body and lips, he steps slowly around so that I am the one leaning against the bench top. "God this is crazy!" he steps backwards and laughs in disbelief.

"I know." I laugh back but I find my way back into his arms and we start to kiss...again. It was almost addicting, he lips were the most soft I've ever experienced, and he definitely knew what he was doing. "Okay, you need to stand over there," I point to a spot by the couch, "while I move back here." I step behind the counter as he puts his hands up and backs away with a smirk on his face.

Dylan sits down on the arm rest and crosses his arms, the grin not leaving his cute face. "You cannot look at me like that!" I start pacing my apartment while running my fingers through my hair.

Dylan and I just made out, in my apartment. He actually likes me back. There is no way this is happening.

"You do realise I can't help staring at you like this but we should probably talk about it." He steps toward the bench and leans down on his arms as he watches me pace back and forth through the kitchen. "Are you changing your mind on what just happened?" he starts tapping his fingers a little, waiting for any kind of verbal or non verbal response from me.

"God no. I've been wanting this since yesterday but I'm starting to notice how quickly things have been progressing. Like the fact that I've been wanting this since only yesterday." He laughs at my reply and sighs with relief.

"I know, I haven't been in this situation before. I'm not exactly sure how to go about it."

"Neither do I. Maybe we need to set some boundaries or something so that we can take our time with all this. I don't particularly want to mess this up, even if it ends up as a friendship. I actually really like you Dylan." I nervously bite my lip, leaning down on the counter opposite him. Our hands were inches apart but stayed separate to be safe.

"I really like you as well and boundaries sound good, depending on what they are but I'm hoping I can still kiss you." He smirks at me so I decide to lean closer and quickly kiss him. I immediately start talking again before we get into another make out session.

"Okay back on topic," I grin, "I think we should maybe keeps things on the down low from people to avoid any pressure. Just for the first few weeks maybe so that we can properly get to know each other. Except Misoa, she has to know everything otherwise she would murder us!" I laugh. "But not keep it secret in that classic movie plot point where we stress out about it and act completely different around people. Maybe just be a little low-key about it to make things easier for us."

"Well what kind of things would you be comfortable with people seeing? Just so that we are both on the same page." He questions.

"Probably not us kissing each other, but I'd be okay with slight flirting or something. It eases people into the idea of us, we don't need to be completely secret. Just not completely confirming that we know of each others affections toward the other. Does that make sense?" I'm somewhat word vomiting since I'm still not the best at setting boundaries but I'm definitely improving.

"That sounds all good to me although it will be fun to make you blush in front of people."

"Oh god. I'm going to be so bad at hiding it aren't I?" I giggle and drop my head down to my hands as I cringe at my future self while he laughs at me in agreement. "Alright well do you want to add anything? What are your thoughts on all this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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