suhyeok X gyeongsu

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Requested by vikabjjworld


Suhyeoks pov
Me and gyeongsu was in the brocasting room ever since na-yeon tried to infect him little jealous pick me b- anyways-

We are right now making out and oh my god he looks so weak but perfect under me "mmmm.." He whined out
So God dam perfect excpesilly for me. Everyone is asleep if it's the same like last time I checked. I can do anything I want to him and I cant f***ing wait. So cute for me.

"A-ahh..s-stop..someone's gonna.."

I was sucking on his neck not caring nor paying attention that was intil-


Joonyeongs pov♡

I walked into the brocasting room for no whatever reason and I walk stright back out- "no never again-" I say
"Who's in there?" Someone asked just as the two came out. "Joonyeong-" suhyeok tried speaking
"Nope I'm going back to sleep- goodday-" and eith that I went back to sleep

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