Byakuya's perfomance Nanao's confused feelings and plan preperations

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A/N- I decided to add Shunsui x Nanao

"Come on Byakuya loosen up a bit. This is a party to celebrate." Yourichi said. "Not some boring captain meetings that you guys have to attend every month in soul society"

"I am the head of the Kuchiki clan. I will not allow myself to be ridiculed in front of all these people" Byakuya said. "No wonder the Shihouin clan has fallen. Their clan head doesn't even know how to act like one"

Soifon who was sitting right beside them became pissed as soon as she heard what Byakuya said.

"Take that back. No one insults Yourichi-sama in front of me and gets away with it" Soifon hissed at Byakuya.

"Ma~~ Ma~~, calm down little bee. Byakuya here is just frustrated because he can't do anything on his own free will because of the elders unlike me, isn't that right Byakuya" Yourichi teased.

"It has nothing to do with it" Byakuya countered.

"How about we make a deal?" Yoruichi suggested.

"What's your offer?" Byakuya asked.

"Well if you go up there and sing, I'll stop pestering you for 2 weeks" Yourichi said

Byakuya immediately turned his head to Yourichi and said "Now you've got my attention. That's what I call an offer. Make it a month and half"

"2 weeks"

"A month"

"3 weeks"


With that Byakuya rushed towards the stage to sing a song.

When everyone saw Byakuya on the stage, they were shocked by his appearance.

Never in their life they thought they'd see the stoic captain of the 6th division singing in a local karaoke bar.

"Looks like Yourichi is the only one capable of reverting Byakuya back to his teenage self" Shunsui said who heard Byakuya's conversation with Yourichi.

"Also it seems that he's willing to do anything to get rid of the 'demon cat' " Jushiro said.

"Yoruichi would be upset if she heard you calling her nickname Ju-kun" Retsu said.

"I am sorry Re-chan" Jushiro said and pecked her lightly on the lips.

"You are lucky you are cute and adorable" Retsu said as she slapped him playfully on the chest and kissed him back.

"I know right" Jushiro smiled slyly at her making her heart melt instantly.

"Aww seeing you two lovebirds being all lovey dovey makes me jealous" Shunsui said making both of them blush.

Nanao suddenly appeared behind Shunsui and slapped him with a book from behind and said "Captain, don't make Captain Ukitake and Unohana uncomfortable"

"With that book Nanao-chan just marked her endless love for me" Shunsui teased.

That comment earned him another slap on the head.

"That hurt Nanao-chan~~~. You know a kiss might make me feel better" Shunsui suggested while wriggling his eyebrows.

"You wish" said Nanao as slapped him on the head and stomped of somewhere , BLUSHING!!?

"Typical Shunsui. Always the flirt" thought both Jushiro and Retsu.

~~~~~ scene change ~~~~~

As Nanao walked towards the other lieutenants, she thought to herself "Why the hell am I blushing?"

"It's because you imagined yourself kissing him when he said the K word" said her zanpakutou.

Shinigamis karaoke party (Ichigo x Rukia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now