Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home

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I finally arrive back at my house in Washington after some time of speed running. Trying to stay clear of more populated areas was a challenge as some parts of my travels only provided so little wooded areas. Seeing some of Jared's things in the house made me hopeful that he was back and no longer staying at his friend's house. "I guess he's out," I mutter to myself as I speed run thru an empty house. I could only hope that he didn't get discovered by the Ventrue. It's Friday night and he should definitely be home. Jared was a homebody for the most part and very rarely went out with Christian and John. Maybe this is one of those rare times.

I wait around the house trying to decide if I want to go ahead out and feed or wait for Jared. Quickly I remember my blood stash in the basement and speed run there as fast as I can. Dammit. My human supply was out. I must've been drinking that like crazy lately and definitely needed to simmer down on the humans. "I guess deer will do." Taking the bottle that I had saved some in from a big hunt I did recently makes me remember this particular hunt. It was a fun one. A battle between me and a mountain lion. Don't worry, I drained the lion too. I drink thru more than half of the bottle before I hear the front door upstairs. I throw the bottle in the fridge and find Jared in the kitchen. "Well, it took you long enough to get home."

"Shit, Amber! You scared me!" Jared slams shut the refrigerator door.

"Sorry. Where've you been?"

"Me? What about you? I came home two days ago to a note," he says pointing at the note still sitting by the coffee pot. I knew he'd see it there.

"Just out." I sure wasn't about to tell him other vampires exist and get us both into even more trouble.

"Really? Just out? That's all I get?"

"Jared, please. It's dangerous enough you knowing about me. You don't need to know anything else. Just trust me," I beg.

Jared shakes his head with his hands up in defeat, "Fine."

"Thank you." I say thankfully that he didn't push for anymore information.

"Well, it's nice to see you back anyways," he smiles.

"Yeah, it's nice to be back."

"You here for good or what are you doing?" He asks curiously with furrowed brows.

"I'm not sure yet. I guess I'll try to stay as long as I can. At least I'd like to," I shrug.

"You might want to tell Erica you're back. She's been going crazy."

I laugh, "I'm sure. She's left me a ton of messages. Don't worry, I'll call her. So where were you actually?" I ask again.

"Just out with Christian and John. I don't know, they wanted to have some kind of guys night," Jared throws up air quotes rolling his eyes making me laugh.

"Sounds like you had so much fun," I continue laughing as I take my phone out of my pocket to call Erica.

"Oh, a blast."

"I'll be right back," I tell him as the dial tone starts. I walk out to our backyard and sit around the dark fire pit.

"Amber!" Erica answers.

"Hey, Erica."

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Sorry, just somewhere I had to be."

"You're okay thought right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Okay, don't ever do that to me again! I left you so many messages and didn't hear a word!" She yells.

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