.~.~"..Alone..No no I don't like it...".~.~

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Yellow-Guy had been sat at the table for about 15 minutes, He was drawing.

"I wonder why they didn't let me go; I don't like being lonely..." Yellow-Guy said placing down his crayon and looking at his drawing, He sighed and got his crayons back into their box, He then stood up to go and place them back onto his shelf in the bedroom.

As he walked up to the bedroom, The door slightly opened itself, it almost looked as if somebody was in there, Yellow-Guy stood and stared for a moment at the door, but reassured himself it was just the wind coming through an open window, He went into the room and neatly placed the crayons onto the shelf beside his comic books and teddy bears

"I'm all alone, meaning that I could look through their stuff and they wouldn't even know! That'd be so funny!" Yellow-Guy said as he got down on his knees and looked under Duck's bed, He found a dusty little book in there with the badly written title on the front 'DIARY DO NoT eNteR' Yellow-Guy giggled and opened the book to the first page, It wasn't really as interesting as he thought it would be because the language was numbers, Each number from 1-26 represented the alphabet, Yellow-Guy didn't have the time to decode a bunch of messages so he tossed the book back under the bed and got up from the floor, He then went over to Red-Guy's bed, He opened his bedside drawer to find some printed photos of the three of them, One of them looked fairly new, It was Duck kissing Red-Guy's cheek, Yellow was confused by this but eventually everything clicked, He started feeling bad for being so clingy to them when all they wanted to do was be a couple, He then heard a loud bang come from what sounded like the kitchen, He placed all the photos back into the drawer in a good enough spot that looked identical enough for Red-Guy not to notice.

Yellow-Guy slowly exited the bedroom and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, He peeped his head through to see nobody there, He then entered the kitchen and began looking, He looked under the table, Under the chairs, In the cupboards and even in the toaster, But nobody was there

"I must just be hearing things. And seeing things too!" Yellow-Guy smiled to himself and went back to the table to see a big ink splodge on the drawing he had done before

"M-My drawing... It's ruined, I worked hard on that..." Yellow-Guy grabbed the ink-covered paper and felt his eyes go fuzzy as tears filled them, He liked that drawing and he hated when things he liked got ruined.

"Someone has to be in the house, but now I NEED to find them!" Yellow-Guy placed his drawing back on the table and began searching once again

"Hello? Hel-loooo? Is someone in the house? Duck? Red?" He looked at the staircase and thought for a moment.

"Maybe the person in the house went to see the... The... Those... Those other ones"

Yellow-Guy's head began hurting, He didn't like having to think, His thoughts went cloudy

"B-But the other ones, They are the other ones on the out without me? But the other ones up the stairs are maybe the ones" Yellow-Guy looked up and down the stairs one last time before he heard another noise come from behind him...

"There's 3 of us...R-Right..?" DHMISWhere stories live. Discover now