Bella Mae McAdams

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Bella Mae McAdams was born on June 1, 2007  she had self harm scars all over her wrist and thighs she loved the pain it would give her when she did it, she never told anyone until she got to her last year of middle school she met a boy his name was Damian. Damian was kinda a quiet he didn't really talk much to anyone until Bella and Damian got moved to sit together in Language Arts class Damian started to talk more and more to Bella. Bella tried to kill her self when her grandfather died a couple day ago but her phone started to ring Bella's picked up the phone and saw it was Damian she answered smiled through her tears. Bella stoped trying to kill herself after the 20th attempt she wanted to be happy. But that all changed when she was sexually assaulted by her friend that she trusted and talked to every day she wasn't in a good head shape and she only knew one thing to do is to call Damian. Bella hung up the phone and downed a bottle of pills and slit her wrist one last time she got into her bath and fell unconscious of how much pills she took. Damian got to her house and found Bella's limped body in the bathtub he rushed over and got her out of the bathroom and called 911 but it was to late she was already dead...Damian started to see Bella around the house turning corner and then Bella wasn't there he was going crazy until a note on the window showed up it read "The truth will hurt you but love will hurt the most" -Bella McAdams

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