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It was already late, and although a gentle breeze was blowing it was still pleasantly warm. The remnants of the heat of the afternoon. Natasha closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet evening air of August. She didn't want to leave this place. It was beautiful here. She opened her eyes and looked out at the landscape spreading out in front of her. The lake shone in the light of the setting sun and a few crickets had made their presence known. Unfortunately, Natasha knew that she could not stay here forever. It was the last day of her summer break and tomorrow morning it was time for a new school year. In general, Natasha was a good student - that was not the problem. She liked to study. The problem was the people. Now you are probably imagining some of those typical stories of a nerd being praised by everyone or something. It wasn't like that. She had friends and was liked by almost everyone. Or at least almost no one would give her a hard time just because she liked to study. But despite all that, she never really had the feeling that the others took her seriously. As if she was still a middle schooler. As if she was fragile or something. She sighed and then jumped off the wall of the old castle ruins where she had been sitting. She would have liked to stay longer, but she knew that she would need her sleep for tomorrow. School was draining anyway, but the first day after summer break was twice as exhausting. The way to her home was not particularly long by bike so she often came here. Maybe about 15 minutes but no more. However, it was a little outside the city.
When Natasha came home there was still some chaos. Her younger sister Yelena started her first year at Westview High and she was extremely excited. Fortunately, it calmed her down a bit that her older sister would accompany her. Yelena was a person who outwardly appeared strong and confident, but is actually extremely shy and was happy not to be on her own. Shaking her head, Natasha disappeared into her room and checked once again whether she had thought of everything. After that was done and she had changed, she slipped into the bathroom and quietly brushed her teeth. She wore makeup mostly only in school or on special occasions. And then actually no more than mascara and concealer. But still, to be honest, she was a person who cared about her appearance. Maybe not quite as much as other girls did at her age but she certainly did. Back in her room, she thought about braiding her red hair into a braid so that it wouldn't get matted. A glance at the clock told her that it was already a little later than she had planned. It wasn't too bad since she would still get enough sleep but she didn't want to lose any time and quickly slipped under her blanket. She closed her eyes and began to think about tomorrow. By now she was a little nervous, but then told herself that this was silly and that it was just another normal school year. What should be, please. It was almost the same every year except that sometimes there were teacher changes and new students. However, Natasha liked to stay in her circle of friends, so she usually didn't notice that much. Calmed by this thought, she took another deep breath in and out before slowly drifting off to sleep.

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