But Now I'm Just Stuck

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I literally don't understand what is with me and not updating! (It takes me awhile to update cause I'm trying I make the chapters long and I have to edit). Anyways there is probably going to be only one more chapter after this, maybe two.

Also I hit 100 followers so this chapter is going to be super long!


Patrick's P.O.V

I stare at my phone as I quickly end the call. I look at the number over and over again as I try to figure out if I typed in a wrong number.

"Patrick...are you sure you typed in the right number?" Andy walks over and checks my phone before pulling his out.

"Here, let me call her," it rings for awhile before somebody answers.

"Well hello again, this must be Andy this time. Am I correct?" We all just sit in silence and try to decipher the voice that came through.

"Since nobody is answering I'll take that as a yes. But please don't worry, Emily is perfectly fine. We just checked up on her and she's with her little boyfriend Ryder, too cute," she sighs into the phone, "anyways I have to go, see you boys later."

She hangs up and we all look at each other before nodding our heads and getting to work.

"Ok make sure Pete is wrapped up extra tight, Andy get all of the stuff in the trunk and put it in that bag over there, and Joe you are going to have to carry Pete," they both nod and I grab all of their phones and put them in my pockets.

As joes about to pick up Pete he says something for the first time in hours, "Bronx."

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot. A couple days ago Bronx was at our door and I was about to grab him but he ran away and I mean I couldn't chase after him, the hallway was pitch black," they both mutter ok's before getting back to work.

"Where do you think he went? I mean he just can't be like....roaming around, could he?" I look at them hoping they will answer me but they are to busy getting everything ready.

"Ok then," I look down at my shoes
and wait until everybody is ready to go.

"Well, I think we are all good," we all agree with Andy and I open the door. I'm about to walk out when I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and face Andy and Joe and put a finger against my lips. I peek around the corner and see Bronx sitting down on the ground eating a sandwich.

"Wait here," I whisper as I slowly walk over to Bronx.

"Bronx," his quickly turns to look at me. He giggles before standing up and running over to me.

"Hey buddy," I just hold him for a second before telling Andy and Joe to come on.

"Do you think we should go get Brendon and Ryan?"

"I think we should wait until Emily comes then we can get them. Because if we do get caught I don't want them getting hurt to," they agree before we continue walking.

After about five minuets we start to hear voices. Voices that sound way to familiar and let me tell you....they were not Emily and Ryder.

Emily's P.O.V

"Emily listen to me, I know you said that we shouldn't get the police involved but there is no way we can just handle whatever is in there by ourselves. We need help," I sit in the passenger set looking at the abandon building in front of me.

"Ok, yes ok I agree that we need help," I admit, "but what if while we are waiting they are in there getting slaughtered," I throw my hands around dramatically but stop when I see Ryder on the phone.

"Yes there has been a kidnapping, the address is *** *********** **, yes um the people kidnapped is Fall Out Boy and one of their kids.......ma'am I am not lying to you....ok thank you."

"You could have waited for me to give you advice," he shrugs and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"They are brining the SWAT team," I shrug this time.

"I expected it," we both stop talking for awhile before Ryder speaks up.

"Did you just see that car?"

"Yeah, isn't that my dads car?" We watch as he pulls around back and gets out. He looks around before unlocking the door and walking in.

"So he's the one running this, he's the one who kidnapped them!"

"How, how can he be the one who kidnapped them when you were out with him getting icecream?" I shake my head.

"He must have a partner," as I'm about to get out of the car the SWAT team pulls up along with three ambulances and fifteen police cars. Two police officers walk over and help us out of the car.

"Here come with us," one of them says as he pulls us over to the hood of a police car that has a map of the building on it.

"I know that we probably shouldn't be doing this but we want you to go in there an-."

"No, she is absolutely not going in there," Ryder is quick to cut him off as he walks over to where we are standing.

"Sir, please do not interrupt me. As I was saying Emily we want you to go in there to see if you can reason with the kidnappers," he points to the map, "we have a feeling this is where the kidnappers are at, considering it's the biggest room in the place."

"Um just wondering how do you know her name," we both look at Ryder who has one hand across his chest the the other holding a finger up in the air.

"Ryder, listen to me, practically everybody in the world knows that Fall Out Boy adopted her. Now, Emily, my good friend Officer Parker is going to take you over to his car so he can get you geared up," I look over his shoulder to see a tall, dark haired man standing there smiling. He waves at me and my heart flutters at how cute he is.

"I'll come with you Emily," Ryder says. As he's about to walk with me, the officer pulls his arm.

"Let her go alone," I hear him say as I walk over to the other officer.

"Hello Emily," he says as he sticks his hand out. I slowly shake it.

"Ok first I want to give you a bullet proof vest. Hmmm, do you have a jacket or something that you can wear over it?" I shake my head and he goes to his car and takes out a black jacket.

"This I mine, I usually wear it when we do night runs since it gets cold at night. But here, I'll help you put the vest on then you can put on the jacket," he picks up the vest and puts I over my head before tightening the straps so they fit. He then hands me his jacket and I slip it on.

"Perfect, ok now this is an ear piece so you can hear what we are saying to you. And this is a microphone so we can hear what you say," he hands me the ear piece and I put it in my ear as he puts the microphone on me.

"Ok, you are going to have a gun but only use it if needed," he lifts up my jacket and tucks the gun on my pants waist band.

"I think you are ready," the other officer walks over with Ryder and he smiles at me.

"Now Emily, if you ever feel threatened or want to get out the code word is "My Life Sucks", ok?" I nod at the phrase that I've said way to many times.

"Ok well I think we are ready for you to go in," I look over at Ryder and he's biting his lip.

"Um can I talk to him first," the officers nod and they both walk away.

"Hi," I wrap my arms around Ryder's waist and rest my head on his chest.

"Hello darling," he sighs and gives me a kiss on the head.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he pulls away and looks me in the eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too," he gives me a quick kiss on the lips before leading me over to the officers.

"She's ready."

Saving Fall Out Boy (Second Book) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now