And I Love The Way You Hurt Me

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Emily's P.O.V

"EMILY GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW," I sigh and hop off my bed.

"Yes," I look up and see Pete standing in the living room with a bag in his hand.

"What is this?"


"And why were they in your bathroom?"

"Wait what were you doing in my bathroom?!"

"That's none of your business."

"Yes, that is my business. Why were you in MY bathroom?!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me. No tell me, why do you have these? I thought you stopped and got rid of them. What do you think the therapy sessions are for?"


"Stop yelling before I ground you."

"Oh no he's going to ground me *fake gasp*."

"Fine you are grounded for a month and you have therapy five times a week now," I state at him in shock.

"What is with you. Why don't you understand that I hate therapy and it does nothing to me."

"Go to your room," I run up the stairs.

"YOU'RE SO PATHETIC," I yell before slamming my down. Oh Pete, you're so stupid. That bag was just my back up blades. I walk to the bathroom and get my blades.

"Hmm let's see, three for Pete, Five for my dad, and ten for me. Perfect!!!" Eighteen times I drag the blade over my arm. Eighteen times I yell at myself. Eighteen minuets is how long I stay in the bathroom before finally coming out.

"Emily?! You dad is here," Patrick says through the door.

"Just stay in your room please," I say as I open the door. I trudge down the stairs and see him standing by the door.

"Hi dad," he turns and gives me a bright smile.

"Hi honey, how are you?"

"Good. Why are you here?"

"Oh I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drive or something. You know, to get to know each other better."

"Sure," I slip my shoes on an walk out the door.

"Um...don't you want to let somebody know where you're going?" He points inside and looks at me confused.

I shrug, "nope."

" ok. Well let's go then," he shuts the door and we climb into his car.

"So, tell me about yourself," he says as we drive out if the gates.

"What do you want to know. I'm not very interesting, just letting you know," I shrug and look over at him.

"That's ok. Hmm let's see, what's your favorite color?"

"Haha my favorite," he nods his head and drives off the road onto a path.

"Um where are we going?"

"Oh you'll see," I shudder at the sound his voice. I place my hand on my hip where I keep a switch blade. I shut my eyes and try to breath.

"Yay we are here," I open my eyes and notice we are out of the woods. In fact we are parked right front of a ice cream shop.

"Um ok," I climb out of the car and follow my father inside.

"You go sit down and I will order you something," he flashes me another one of his white smiles that I'm tired of seeing.

It's not long before he comes back with two cones. He hands me mine and I take a lick. Ewww mint, I hate mint. I don't say anything though because when I look over at him he seems happy.

"So, what do you do for a living?" He freezes before smiling. GOOD LORD I'M GOING TO DIE.

"Well my job is pretty complicated," before he can say anything else, his phone rings.

"Hello.....Um no we are at the ice cream shop.....Its ok....Yes honey, another day....I love you too...Bye my love," he hangs up and continues to eat his ice cream.

"So..I think we should go before my dad's freak out," he nods his head before standing up an throwing his ice cream away.

"Speaking of your dad's, are they gay?"

"Yes," I stare straight ahead and try not to scream at him.


"What do you mean 'why'? There's nothing wrong with being gay," the last part comes out as a whisper. I look down at the ground and feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey I didn't mean to offend you," he reaches out and touches my arm.

"Ouch," I yank my arm away from him.

"What? I barely even touched you!"

"No it's not that," I look out the window and hope that he just drops it.

"Do you cut?"

"What?!? No!"

"Yes you do. It's ok I understand," he just shrugs and continues to drive back to my house.

"Um so you're not like...mad?"

"Why would I be," I can literally feel my heart burst with joy! Somebody whole doesn't mind.

"So here we are. Hey, if you ever need to get out of the house or something, just call me," I nod my head and get out of the car.

I watch him drive off and walk inside.

You know when people say things happen in slow motion. Well that's true.

And I should have done something but I couldn't move so I just stare into the eyes of the women before she runs out the back door.

Yep, there goes a psychotic lady with my four dads.

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