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The days go by and the show's first performance grows closer and closer. The company is so proud of the art that they have created onstage and they cannot wait to share it with the world. At their final dress rehearsal, an invited dress, the energy in the cast is the highest that it has ever been.

In the audience, Taylor sits next to Ayla and Joe's parents. Backstage, Joe sits in his dressing room getting ready, surrounded by the decor that Ayla helped him to pick out. He's so excited  to go out there and can only hope that he'll make everyone proud- Ben, Levi, and especially Taylor.

As the opening of the show grows closer, however, so does the trial. That's scary to Taylor. She still has no idea what she's going to do with Ayla. Ayla is holding her ground- she wants to go to New York and stay with Taylor. She doesn't want to stay with Joe or her grandparents. However, Taylor isn't comfortable with the little girl being with her during that time. It's going to be highly publicized, something that has been making her anxious for a long time now, but those feelings are only amplifying by the day. As focused as she's been on the show, it seems every minute of her time that has not been devoted to the music has been devoted to thinking and worrying about everything that is going on with the trial.

Joe is getting sincerely worried about Taylor, but that's something that he has to put aside for his performance tonight. He knows that she's an adult who can deal with her own problems- she fared on her own so well for so long. However, he also knows that this phase in her life has been one in which she has needed a lot of support- and he's so happy that he has been able to provide that for her.

As he's doing his makeup, he thinks back to the day that he first auditioned, back when he first met her. That day started with a phone call from his agent- a rather stark awakening at just after 7:00 in the morning.

"Joe, I know it's really last minute but I got you an appointment today and I really need you to go to it."

"What?" he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His morning voice was deep and raspy. His agent, Brett, knew damn well that he was waking him up, which was frustrating.

"It's a huge deal. It's a new musical that they're workshopping, and it's hoping to track straight to Broadway. Taylor Swift is writing the music."

"What?" he repeats.

"Taylor Swift. Keep up. You know who she is. 'Shake It Off,' 'Love Story,' all those. They charted in the UK too, Joe. Come on, wake up. You need to get going. Your appointment is at 11:00. That's less than four hours from now."

Joe's eyes snapped open upon hearing that. "Why am I just now hearing of this?"

"It came through my desk at the last minute. They had a few extra audition spots for this role and I thought of you. It's a teacher role, Mr. Fadler. Vocal range is exactly your sweet spot. You've just gotta bring in a 16  bar cut of a pop/rock song. You've got those in your book. Do 'Your Song.' That one's been getting you some callbacks lately."

"But it hasn't booked me anything," Joe grumbled.

"Hey, don't lose hope. Auditioning is the job, booking is a plus. You know that. Just, please go... 42nd Street Studios at 11:00. I have other clients that I could've handed this appointment to, but I chose you. Don't let me down, Joe."

"Okay, okay," he told Brett. "I'll be there."

"Thank you. Call me when it's over and let me know how it goes."

It gives him shivers, thinking about how he almost didn't come. Brett knew that he had to, he believed in Joe a lot more than Joe believed in himself that day, but a certain blonde woman took an instant liking to him and fought for both his callback and ultimately, his casting.

Joe smiles to himself, thinking about how different his life was back then. He thinks about when he first bumped into Taylor as she was walking into the studio that morning, how he had no idea who she was. He thinks about the first time that he met Ayla, the little girl in the corner of the audition room, who was talking when she wasn't supposed to be. He had no idea back then, how important that little girl and her mother would become in his life. He didn't even realize that it was capable of loving somebody so much that you would do absolutely anything for them, no questions asked, if it means making them happy. However, that is how he feels about Taylor.

So while he doesn't know exactly how he can help Taylor with everything going on in her life, he knows that he needs to find a way. And he knows that the first thing that he can do is make sure that everyone goes out there and gives a great dress rehearsal. If she can have those nerves eased, tomorrow's first preview is one less thing that she'll have to worry about.

From the minute that Joe steps onstage, everything just feels like a blur. He's so lucky to have his parents in the audience tonight, as well as some old friends from his childhood. As one of the native Brits in the cast, he's got a lot more guests at the invited dress rehearsal than most of the Americans. Though this isn't his official West End debut, which will be tomorrow, he gets a taste of what it's going to feel like. He gets an entrance applause, something that is so special to him. He swears that he can hear Taylor out there, clapping louder than anybody.

After the first moment, though he's floating on cloud nine, it is a massive whirl of adrenaline and energy. His first steps onstage and his final bow are about all that he remembers by the time that he greets his guests in the lobby at the end of the night.

Of course, his first stop is Taylor. She pulls him into her arms right away. "My love, I'm so proud of you," she murmurs to him. "You are such a star."

"Thank you," he replies. "You liked how it all came together then?"

"Oh, no, I can't say that; it's too broad," she laughs. "Ben, Levi, and I have all got pages and pages of notes that we are going to send out to everyone, but overall, I think we've got a good show. We've still got a few weeks of previews to work everything out. A few of the moments fell flat with the audience tonight, so we are going to observe them tomorrow and then make changes as necessary. That sort of thing. So, we've got work to do, but a lot of it is creative. Everyone gave great performances."

Joe smiles. "We all made you proud?"

"Oh, absolutely," Taylor promises him. "You most of all." The stilettos on her feet make her the perfect height to place a kiss on Joe's lips, which she promptly does.

After they break apart, Joe goes to greet his other guests. He's excited to catch up with his friends who he hasn't seen for a bit, and Taylor watches from a distance with a smile on her face. She loves getting to see this side of Joe, the hometown boy. As much as he has loved New York, she knows that he'll always have a soft spot in his heart for London as well.  It's the city that raised him, after all.

As Joe talks to his friends, Taylor and Ayla talk with Joe's parents. Eventually, Joe comes back over.

"Hey, T, is it alright if I go out to a pub with my buddies? I won't be long, just a quick pint..."

"Of course, that's fine," Taylor tells him. "I'll see you when you get back." She presses yet another kiss onto his lips, then watches Joe walk off with his friends. Then, she turns to her daughter. "Well, Ayla, what do you say we head home and get some sleep?"

The little girl nods, rubbing her eyes. The two bid farewell to Joe's parents, then head to the car. Taylor is getting more comfortable driving in London, adjusting to driving on the other side of the road, so she figures that she can handle the drive back to their apartment. It isn't long before she's pulling into the driveway and heading inside with her little girl, who is so tired by now.

"You excited to go back tomorrow night, Ayla?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah," she replies with a smile. "I loved it Mommy."

"I'm really happy that you did," Taylor says. "Now, come on. Let's get you into your jammies and go night night."

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