[16] Getting Help From The Lads

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Harry Styles' POV

I stared at her sleeping peacefully on the passenger seat of my car. I like her. I really really do. Even a blind man can see it (no pun and insults intended),well according to Niall anyway.

I closed my eyes and imagined her with another guy; laughing,dancing,cuddling and doing other romantic things. My hands gripped the steering wheel harder than I used to. That's what mum told me to do to know if I'm in to deep with someone or if I like like her so much, if it pains me to see her with someone else, I should—must never let her go. And that's what I will do, I won't let her go.

"Geo?",I whispered softly, trying to wake her up. Nothing.

I shook her shoulder. "Geo?"

Her eyes slowly opened,"Huh? We're here? Oh."

I smiled at her,"Good Morning love.",I teased.

She rolled her eyes,"Whatever Harry."

I got out of my seat and opened her door.

"Piggy back?",She asked, puppy eyes and pout.

"Fine.",I said as I turned around and go lower, for her to get on me.

She got on my back and I started to walk.

"You're heavy.",I grumbled.

"No I'm not! Stop teasing.",She said. I can feel her glaring at my back.

"Whatever keeps you sleep at night. Oh and I'm not teasing, I'm stating a fact.",I chuckled.

We arrived at her doorstep and she jumped down.

"Thanks for tonight Harry. I enjoyed it.",She smiled.

I smiled back at her,"Anything for Milady."

"You just have to ruin the moment!",She said, annoyed.

"There was a moment?",I asked innocently.

She gave me a deadpanned look, I chuckled. I brushed away the  hair on her forehead. And kissed her forehead.

"So happy that you enjoyed it Geo.",I hugged her, she hugged back."You're so cuddly. Can I take you home with me? You can be my human teddy bear."

"Never in your wildest dreams.",She replied plainly.

I chuckled,"Good night Geo."

She yawned, "Good night Styles."


"WHAT!? YOU DID NOT KISS HER?",Lou yelled at me.

"I did.",I raised my hand up, in a defensive manner."..just not on her lips."

Morning after Geo and I's date, I was awoken by the lads drilling some questions about our night. I feel like a girl asking by my girlfriends how fun it was. So, I told them the deets. (So not saying that ever again)

Niall groaned,"It was the cliche time."

"I don't want cliche sweet, I want Harry-Geo original sweet.",I frowned.

"Then go kiss her in the middle of her sleeping.",Li said."..atleast that's original."

"Oh har har.",I laughed sarcastically.

"So what's your plan mate?",Zayn asked.

"To make her mine, officially mine.",I smiled.

"How?",They all asked in unison.

"Remember you said Li that I drunkily said something fitting for a song? And Lou you got it on video."

Liam and Lou nodded.

"I want to make a song.",I said.

"What song?",Niall asked, curiously.

"The best song ever."

Author's Noteツ
Short hehe sorry. It's just I want to update before my birthday ^_^ ghad, one year older again. Whatever, mwahahaha there's gifts anyway\m/
3(?) Chapters more to go..!


xxbadinfluencexx,signing off.

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