Chapter 4

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Deans Pov

I heard Ash and sammy crying in the other room so I ran in and asked what was happinig. It looked as though sammy threw a punch at Ash and recived one in turn. I gave Ash a hug and told sammy if he touched him he would die.

Currently I'm hugging Ash to my chest telling him its all gonn be ok. Sammy went to bed dc a little over 10 minutes ago. I could tell Ash was starting to doze off.

"Asher, you got to get up and got to bed bud." I said softly.

"Mmmm, do I have to?" He whined.

" yeah do you really want to sleep In your uncles arms?" I said chuckling at the end part.

" mm ok" he then gets up and goes down one of the many hallways In the bunker towards his room.

I wasnt really that tired but I deccided to call my buddy.

" Castiel, I need you here, please." I heard the familiar sound of wings.

" Hello Dean" he said right behind me I jumped alittle. I turned around and he was less then 3 Inches from my face.

" Cas buddy we've talked about this, personal space."

" I supose we have, sorry." He said while standing back. " Dean I have a question."

" Ask aw-" sudenly theres this unbearible pain in my arm where the mark of cain is. I fall on the floor and cas is by my side I. A matter of secconds.

Castiels POV

Dean was starting to say 'ask away' when he fell to the floor screaming in pain grabing the mark. I'm by his side in no time his head in my lap. I started tryed heal him. It proved difficult. But ten minutes later h was asleep with his head in my lap.

" Dean why did you do this to your self you ruined your self. You know that. I rebeled so you could do this tl your self. So you could just throw yourself away like a piece of trash. I have to kill my brothers and sisters just so you can do this to your self. If thats the case than wow I wasted my time." I just exploded knowing he shouldn't beable to hear me because hes asleep.

" Cas is that what you think?" I heard someone say behind me. I turn around to find sam standing there. " becauseif it is then leave because right now we have our hands full at the time. I just learned I have a son and I'm trying to cure deanof the mark,charlie died a little over 2 days ago and lets see oh and the mother to my child and love of my lifejust died so be a little considerante."

I was at a loss for words at the moment. Me and sam get into a heated fight. I still had Deans head in my lap and he is still sleeping. Sam gets to mad and storms off.

" Cas stop moving around so much m'tired" Dean grumbed from my lap. He turns from his side to his back so he can face me properly. And I still.

" Sorry Dean how long you been awake?"

" Long enough to hear your long speach to me. What happened to me Cas?"

" You. Heard that huh."

" Yeah Cas am I really that big of a burdan?"

"No Dean your not I just needed to vent. Mostly because charlies death wa-"

" don't you dare say was your fault. If you dare say that then I will and I promise that I will kill you."

" but it is my fault I shouldnt have let ner out of my sight." With that dean sits up and e gulphs me in a hug. "I thought you were going to kill me."

"Well I find a hug has more of a positive effect on people lime when I trided to kill sammy when I was a deamon and you hugged me from behind anb traped me there."

He realeasted the hug.

" Dean?"

" Yeah cas"

"Can I ask my qustion now?"

" go on cas"

I poffed the home made giant peacan pie infront of me. His face went from normal to suprised in a mater of secconds then to happy.

"Would you help me eat this pie?"

" of course it looks delicious!"

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