5: Soon May the Wellerman Come

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Winter liked to sleep close to any warm object, including the new feathery friend that basically never strayed away from her side.

Winter's hair was in the middle of being brushed as she sat with the Bird, who decided to name Summer for their sun-colored pelt. The nice Pearl the others called Volleyball was good at the job, though she had mention Winter should get a haircut. Though how they would do that would  be a troubled thought.

Lars and the others left Winter with what Garnet said to be her Aunts. They were very very tall, but they also were kind and gentle. Only the Doctor stayed behind to check Winter's health and growth. They said it was better for Winter to stay with her Gem family. 

But she didn't feel right with staying put. She dreamt of the Steven once more and this one felt more like a nightmare as he was screaming in pain, waiting for someone to rescue him. 

Summer was there to comfort her as she sat by a window. All of the scenery seemed pleasant, but it had no effect of cheering her up. Her thoughts kept racing back to Lars and the Crystal Gems. They knew what she was, but never really told her, keeping her in darkness.

In a blink of an eye, Summer carefully grabbed onto her shoulders using their talons as the bird started to fly, carrying her as if catching a large prey. They flew through the White Mech in a swooping circle before winter smelt something burning, only to find that Summer suddenly burst into fire. Though the flames never seemed to hurt Winter at all, as if there was a protection made in her body. The fire enveloped them both as Summer kept flying, never even stopping once.

Soon, the surrounding environment changed. There were no touches of Gem culture or tech lying around, instead there was all greenery and ocean. Summer finally let her land on soothing grass while they stood close by on a tree stump. Winter fell to her knees though, seeing how exhausted her legs were for some reason. 

When Winter was able to stand, she noticed something coming out behind a tree, yet it was a someone. It was a humanoid figure that looked more animal. It was a feminine figure with dusty white rabbit features. She wore a simple tunic and boot wear that was only colored in tan and brown (AN: Think of what Jedi wear).

"Hi, I'm Hekal, do you have a name? Where did you come from?"

"Yeah, Winter and Summer flying from Home" Winter answered using the style of pointing for who is who as to make sure no one would confuse them. Though the color scheme they got made some sense. Hekal looked a bit surprised not only about the Bird, but also about the prism on Winter's forehead. 

However, Hekal came closer and she extended a hand to the Gem-hybrid. Somehow sensing that Summer was calm about this, Winter let the new friend lead them. Winter had a bit trouble walking, considering that she just had gone from one place to another, yet she could do the task as they followed her deeper into the woods.

The more far in the woods they got, the more vivid Winter could feel things around somehow. It was as if her soul felt connected to the entire planet. Soon, the three of them could hear some voices from afar "Looks like someone came to our village." Hekal murmured.

"I am Asedes, leader of the tribe. What brings more of you to our home?"

"We're just looking for a friend of ours. The Gems here said that he was looking around this area, but never came back."

Winter knew the second voice instantly well, it was Pearl's voice. The only Pearl who would sound brave and fierce and motherly. The nonverbal happiness emitted from the Gem-hybrid was something Hekal used as an excuse to have all three of them come out of their hiding place. Soon everyone was looking at them, which got Winter a bit uncomfortable, considering that she still had trouble getting used to many people looking at her right away. 

Lars was the more startled and shocked than the others "Winter?! You were suppose to stay with the Diamonds back on Homeworld. How in the universe did you even get here?!"

Summer bristled their feathers as if trying to make the obvious statement. Winter was more confused, having thought that Lars would be happy to see her, since he cared about her wellbeing. And her curiosity of her own powers and the topics that they mention frequently, including the Steven, get the better of her.

"Winter help?"

"I'm not sure about that," Lars replied. It wasn't about her safety he was concerned with. The power she possess and the connection between her and Steven and now Summer who basically now felt like those mentors that take no limits with their teachings "You're young and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Winter help!"

"Someone's getting stubborn." Connie mumbled under her breath.

Just as things would start to escalate worse, most of the villagers started to go quiet. The direction of their eye contact was at someone who exited out of a straw and bushy tent. The person looked fully snake while it does show this one was reaching a very far age.

"Elder Shaasil, is there something up?" The antlered centaur, possibly the leader himself, asked.

The one they call Elder ignored them, as her eye contact was still on Winter and Summer. The bird didn't look like they were ready to attack, as if something about the people has got them in a calming state "May I have a look at you dear?"

Summer helped Winter take a walk towards the Elder. The one called Shaasil looked carefully, even placing her hand on Winter's chest where the Human heart would usually be.

"It appears she is strong with the Aura of the stars."

This led to many of the natives talk in whispers to each other. The Gems and Humans were only confused "I believe you mean she is a half-Diamond" Pearl exaggerated.

"Her half-breed heritage does play into her strength to use Aura," The Elder explained "But she has a strong spiritual connection with the cosmos all by herself. The stars and light act as her guide and mentor. But she has only drawn a small portion of her many powers. Her aura has a block, hence her blocked mind."

"Am I the only one confused here?" Bismuth asked. Garnet adjusted her frames as if it was custom when she has something in mind "It means Winter can't use her growing power because she has some magic block in her mind. Maybe that could explain why she still hasn't recovered. The only time she did use her powers, she was so exhausted. But it did give her more speech capacity."

"So we have to remove this block, and she can get better?" Lapis asked.

"That is something only Winter can do herself," Shaasil explained more "But to train her to endure would be a start, she has already endured the travel of Jumping, so she may have a chance to fight."

"Absolutely not!" Lars objected "I'm not letting Winter get hurt because of some endurance training. She's still months old."

"Lars, she's more Gem than Human, unlike Steven," Amethyst chimed in "This block is possibly even hurting her from the inside. She actually wanted to come along, and we only thought about waiting for the right time. It might be possible that training her now would help for the future."

Just Quartz Crystal Gem finished, an explosion rocked the ground. Summer screeched loudly enough where smoke was rising, seeing that the source was not far.

"It came from the Gem village!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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