2: Will You Hold Me Tight and Not Let Go?

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                 ~Beach City; Earth. Present Day. 7:12 am; Earth Clock.~

The ocean scent of Beach City glistened around the layers of the beach the city stood for. Some of the residents that were at the beach were playing a long popular sport of volleyball with both human and Gemkind playing on either side with joy and happiness written on their faces.

However, it seemed to be short-lived as a huge shadow overviewing them. They all were able to look up at the atmosphere without the sun blocking them, they were surprised to see the size and shape of the Sun Incinerator. The two volleyball teams backed a bit giving it some space as it was landing. Once it did land, the main cargo door opened at that moment revealing Lars and the Off Colors while something with Lars' cape was in his shadow. 

"Lars, you came back too early?!" Jenny said noticing Lars coming out into the sandy ground with the sun brighting the sky. Both of the teams quickly ran to them hoping for answers "You said you were coming back after Spring Break!" "What's the rush job for?" "Are you homesick already?"

"Who's behind your back, Lars?" Sadie interrupted noticing the Girl literally hiding behind his back clasping on his shoulders for support as if her legs were getting heavy to make her stand. She doesn't seem to enjoy that many people gathering around which made her hide deeper into the cape wrapped around her body while hiding near Lars. With seemly one good look at the Gems however seemed to have her mind changed and allowed herself to step into clear view allowing everyone to see her which made a Nephrite gasp in shock while Zebra Jasper fainted.

"Oh, she's adorable!" Barbara Miller cried from a few feet away. Despite some Gems around looking so surprised and frozen to the spot from seeing the Girl, Barbara got closer to get a good look which got the Girl a little scared clinging to Lars for protection "Hello sweetie, what's your name?" 

"She doesn't talk much," Lars answered immediately "And doesn't seem to enjoy too many people around. I found her this way and I decided to help her first." "That's so honest of you" Jamie cried out with little tears during out of him. The Gems seemed to have stopped acting hostile around Lars and the Girl seeing how she was clinging to him. The Girl seemed to brush her hair away from her face though this got her to slightly sneeze. "It's nice that you brought a child so you get to be a babysitter," Angel Aura Quartz complimented "But is she gonna be wearing your cape all the time?" 

"I know someone who could help clean her up!" Barbara said which got Lars and Sadie looking at her with concerned looks.

The place Barbara mentioned was actually the beauty parlor where two beauticians examined the Girl's height and body including the mud and long hair. Another adult besides Barbara was present standing next to Lars was Doctor Priyanka Maheswaran who seemed to take a deep studying look on the Girl as if she was a new type of element. 

Beautician #1: This is what you give me to work with? Well ladies, I've see worse. We're gonna turn this sow's ear into a silk purse.

The tub the Girl was placed in got her shivering at the feeling of the water on her skin. Lars caressed her wet hands with his "I know it's cold, but it's not bad like last time. This will be done before you could get out of it" Lars reassured her getting her somewhat calm as more water was poured on her. 

Beautician #1: We'll have you washed and dried, primed and polished till you glow with pride. Trust my recipe for beauty inside. You'll bring honor to us all.

"Lars, can I ask you something?" Doctor Maheswaran asked, which got them looking away from the Girl playing with the soap bubbles that were floating in the air due to a brand of shampoo being used to clean her hair. "After she's done getting clean and clothed, I wanna have an appointment with her to get more research on the Human/Gem hybrid study I started working on 3 weeks ago. You seemed to have made an trust with her, so I guess I need your permission for this" "Oh, I guess you can. As long as it doesn't hurt" Lars answered. Doctor Maheswaran made it solid by doing the solid gesture before leaving.  

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