3: I Swear You're Giving Me A Heart Attack

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Once Lars opened his eyes, the glimpse of the bright light of the sun got him squinting at him until he was able to get away from its stream by falling off of the makeshift bed he and Winter were sleeping on and landing on the floor. One notice of Dr. Maheswaran's office got Lars retracting of last night's events with Winter and...he was the only one in the room right now and Winter was nowhere to be seen. Panic started to form in his mind as he desperately raced to the door in order to get out and find her.

Just as he was able to close the door behind him, he bumped into someone. Once he regained composure, he saw that he bumped into Sour Cream; one of his boy buddies. This got Lars even more embarrassed despite the goodness of both boys "Sorry there Lars, didn't see you there. I heard you came back and was sleeping in the hospital so I came here first thing after...are you ok?" Sour Cream first spoke noticing Lars' expression and blushing smiting on his face "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Did you see a teenage girl with diamond eyes and a silver crystal horn on her forehead?" Lars asked. Sour Cream only pointed towards the guest room with his left thumb which Lars quickly gave a thanks and head straight to where directed.

Once he was able to reach the guest room, Winter wasn't alone. Barbara Miller and his own parents were visiting as well with a plate of breakfast burritos ready on the table always there. Barbara was braiding her hair while Winter ate getting no mess on her hands where silver nails showed on her fingers. It was also noticeable that Winter was wearing a magenta hiking sweater that was zipped all the way instead of the lemon yellow blouse from yesterday possibly because she wore it as a pajama top.  

"Oh Lars, there you are. Come in, come in." Mrs. Barriga called, noticing her son. Lars took this as  a greeting to get in with the group which got Winter hype enough to run and hug him in a tight, but still breathable grasp. This got Mrs. Barriga giggling at the sight of her son getting this treatment, yet Lars himself wasn't much fazed of the reaction. Once Winter let go of him, Lars gave her a pat on the head which got her purring as if she was acting like a cat. That got somehow awes from the adults seeing the sight of Winter being...adorable.    

"She really does like you Lars" Mr. Barriga complimented. This got him into a deeper shade of red  despite his pink skin, which he was able to clear off his face before he could notice people watching him. Mrs. Maheswaran sighed with happiness while having a cup of coffee on her lap "She woke up the moment I entered the room. Your parents were the first to see her and she wasn't scared of them for some reason." "Possibly because of our resemblance to our son despite his little difference" Mr. Barriga commented which got him laughing though no one else laughed with him. Mrs. Maheswaran didn't laugh, but did take a sip from her mug "Still, I'm worried about her mentality right now. Seeing how much of our town and possibly Earth has grown, there's no showing how much of the world she would take." 

"How about showing her Beach City for starters. There's enough to show for one whole day and she could meet everyone, that way she could warm up to them the more she'll get to know them." Mrs. Barriga suggested "That's perfect Mom! What'd you think Winter, wanna see Beach City today?" "L-L-L-o-o-ove t-t-to" Winter answered. Her voice was shaky and raspy and was stuttering more, but it seemed more progress than yesterday and she was really getting more words in despite the drawbacks.

Once Lars was able to get breakfast for the go packed, he first needed a shower and a change of clothes. Winter waited and tried to come in once though Mrs. Barriga was able to distract her with a book about wizards and magic that she really enjoyed. Once Lars was ready, the two just by themselves made the Beach City Tour at the Boardwalk.

Winter held Lars' hand the whole time possibly to reassure protection and also to make sure she doesn't get lost. Their first stop was the Beach City Fries where Mr. Fryman was attending at the moment. When he saw the two coming this way, Lars waved to him as for greets.

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