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They tell me not to hate
That it clogs the heart
Wrecks your soul
Bars you from the heavenly gates at death
But I cannot help it
For I am only human
And what I once loved dearly has betrayed me
Leaving me hate soaked
And broken-hearted
To say I do not hate would be a lie
For it cannot be true
When I am alone with my thoughts
I only think of how much I hate you
I hate to see you laugh with your friends
You must be laughing at me
And then you ignore me
When it was you who broke me
And I can do nothing
For I cannot show my hate
You are too loved and I am loveless
No one sees me
And my hate will only be called jealousy
But I hate you
I will let it clog my heart
And wreck my soul
If it only means that I can hate you
All of me in full

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