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There was never anyone else for me

But Alice

She painted portraits for me

My Alice

She filled me up with the green in her eyes

And carved me apart as we became to realize

But Alice

My Alice

Could stay with me no longer

She soared, a bird, through the bright skies

Away from me into a sweet paradise

How long it's taken me to acknowledge her absence

I know she'd forgive me

My Alice

Of the wrongdoings I've done

In her name and mine

And the poems I've sung

Of her love set in paintings and stone

And mine set in words that cannot begin to describe

My Alice

My Alice

What have they done to you

Covered you up to keep me away

Filled you with flowers

Until you decay

Bury you deep away from the light

My Alice

My Alice

I've taken a fright

I miss you

My Alice

My love forevermore

My Alice

My Alice

I've come to say goodbye now

In the only way I know how

In a love letter disguised as a poem

And a way to let you know that I've come home

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