Chapter 16

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After a couple of minutes the ringing of the Doorbell was heard. With a grin on his face Seungmin got up and let the person in. Hyunjin watched as a beautiful girl with long black hair and bangs entered. She seemed to be around the same age as Seungmin and had a nice smile. He is sure that that girl must be pretty popular in school, as she had a warm, inviting aura and a nice figure.

„So Seungmin. What's bothering you?"

She asked Seungmin, as she took off her shoes and fixed her hair. Seungmin gave her an embarrassed grin and scratched the back of his head.

„You don't really beat around the bush much, huh?"

He led her to the living room and offered her a seat, as he went to the kitchen to get some water for the two of them.

„Seungmin, we have known each other for a year now. By now you should have figured."

Eunbyol pretended to be hurt and placed her hand against her chest in a melodramatic manner. In return Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and looked to Seungmin, anticipating a kind of Explantation as to why she was here and how she is going to help them. Seungmin glanced over to Hyunjin for a split second, before focussing on Eunbyol once again.

„Probably haha."

Seungmin paused for a second, before picking up the camera, belonging to Hyunjin.

„The truth is, it's hard to explain. Lets just say I've found a mp4 data, with an odd date."

He selected the video and handed it over to Eunbyol, so she could check it out. Eunbyol briefly looked over the data and information displayed on the screen, before returning her attention back onto Seungmin.

„As you can see the data said that it has been recorded two days ago, but thanks to a reliable source of mine, I know that that's wrong. The video has been recorded a month ago. And that's where I need you."

„You want me to figure out what's wrong with the data?"

Seungmin nodded and sat next to her. Eunbyol raised her eyebrows and leaned forward to grab the glass Seungmin poured some water into prior and took a sip of it, before placing it back down. She let her eyes scan the screen of the camera again, before turning to Seungmin.

„Alright. But I need a computer and some sweets."

Seungmin smiled from eye to eye.

„Thanks a lot Eunbyol!"

Eunbyol smiled at Seungmin, watching, as he got up again, walking out of the room with his crutches. She always thought, Seungmins smile was contagious, ever since they met. Seungmin and Eunbyol were introduced to each other a year ago, ever since their parents became friends witch each other. Eunbyol herself studied IT science and therefore has a lot of knowledge regarding electronics and such stuff. Seungmin always asked her when he had troubles with something regarding that and hung out with her a bunch of times. They weren't necessarily close, but they considered each other friends and got along with each other well. Shortly after Seungmin returned with a laptop squeezed under his arm, struggling to walk with the crutches, without dropping it. Eunbyol quickly got up, taking the laptop from Seungmin, before going back to the couch and sitting down again.

„You should have asked for help, you know"

Seungmin rolled his eyes smiling, not being in the mood to protest. Instead he just went to open a drawer, where his parents keep all the sweets selecting a few, wile Eunbyol booted up the laptop.
Hunjin got up aswell and made his way over to Seungmin.

„Are you sure we can trust her Seungmin?"

Surprised at Hyunjin standing next to him he almost flinched. He quickly looked over to Hyunjin, who had a worried expression on his face, reminding himself, that he should keep the people who help him to an absolute minimum. The both of them cannot risk anyone getting suspicious.

„Seungmin, are you okay? You don't have to search for anything specific. I am fine with any sweets, you know."

Seungmin didn't realise that he has paused his actions, so he have her a quick ‚i'm okay', before grabbing the first thing he saw, wich turned out to be a bag of gummy bears and returned to Eunbyol. Hunjin following close behind. Seungmin sat beside Eunbyol again, looking at the screen, showing a bunch of windows, he couldn't coordinate through. Giving Eunbyol the bag of gummy bears he leaned back, looking at the camera, that was connected to the laptop with a cable. Eunbyol must have brought it.

„Your call really surprised me Seungmin, you know... it has been a while..."

„I know... 4 months if I recall correctly."

„Yeah. I feel like a lot of things are happening at the moment. That reminds me.. what happened with your leg anyways?"

„Nothing much. I just started a new job and its kind of a truck load for my body."

„Ah, I've heard you are at a supermarket now."

Seungmin just nodded, wanting to change the subject. The room only getting filled with the silent tapping of Eunbyol pressing down the keys on the keyboard. He didn't want to rant about his work and how he hates every single minute of it. He also feels kind of ashamed for working there. He purposely tells no one that he accepted a traineeship there. Especially since he is planning to leave after a year anyways for a job at the government. Speaking of, he is supposed to attend a special school for the Traineeship soon. Thinking about it alone lets Seungmins Heartbeat anxiously pick up. His first day is very soon. 10 days to be exact.
Seungmin turned his head to the opposite direction of Eunbyol to look out of the window, but his eyes landed on Hyunjin who sat next to him. Seungmin didn't even notice him sitting down. Hyunjin was looking at him with an unreadable expression. Just as if he is trying to figure out what Seungmin was thinking.

„Seungmin, I've found something!"

That was enough to make Seungmins head snap back to Eunbyol, giving her his full attention.

„So the reason behind the file having an odd date, was because somebody edited the video, but forgot to change the date to the original date."

And with that Seungmin's suspicion was proven correct. Someone did change the file.

„Is there a way to see the original?"

„Yeah. I already looked over it, but I don't really see a difference. It's really confusing. Why would someone ‚change' a data without changing anything?"

„Let me see.."

Eungbyol just handed Seungmin the Laptop and played the video. Hyunjin scooted closer to seungmin to be able to look at it too. The video itself didn't seem any different. It wasn't longer, it didn't have easy weird cuts no nothing. Confused Seungmin stared at the screen, with his mind running wild. What does all this mean.

While Seungmins mind was practically smoking, Eunbyol just munched on her gummy bears, watching him. She knew Seungmin was smart, but seeing even him struggle with something was a rare sight.

„Do you need anything else puppy?"

Seungmin sighed.

„If that's the original, then no. This is all I needed. This is just.. confusing..."

Eunbyol stood up, dusting off her shirt and shorts she was wearing.

„I know it is. But if that's all you need I'm glad I could be of service."

Seungmin smiled at her and tried to get up, before being stopped by Eunbyol.

„It's fine Seungmin. Stay seated. Rest your leg for a bit. I'll see myself out."

She smiled softly at Seungmin and bid her goodbye. After that she left, taking the gummy bears with her. Leaving a frustrated Seungmin, with a Hyunjin who was just as confused as Seungmin.

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