2~ Immediate Failure

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"Platform 9 and 3 quarters... Hogwarts Express..."

I scanned the numbers on the walls of the train station frantically.

I don't see it!

Dumbledore said I should be able to find it without any directions... was he just trying to set me up for failure!?

I looked at Luna and could tell they were disappointed in me.

"Don't look at me like that Luna... I'm not an idiot I swear, I just have really bad luck." I said aloud.

I dropped my head down and sighed in despair. The freedom I've been wanting my whole life was about to end right before it started, how pathetic must that be?

However, suddenly, like a miracle, I overhead a female voice from one of the families around me shout rather loudly.

"Mom! I'm serious! I just have to run through this wall here to get to Hogwarts!" The girl said, causing me to snap my head in her direction.


"Wait, that means she's going to Platform 9 and 3 quarters as well right?" I deduced.

I felt myself feeling hope once again as I approached the girl.

"Hey, are you by chance going to platform 9 and 3 quarters?" I asked

The girl's eyes beamed as she realised I was attending the same school as her.

"Yes! I take it you're a student at Hogwarts as well?" 

"Yeah, it's my first year attending the school." I explained.

She extended her arm and smiled brightly, I couldn't help but notice her large front teeth as she did this.

"I'm Hermione Granger! Do you wanna be friends!?" She exclaimed.

I stared at the girl's hand for a second before reaching my hand out and accepting it. 

Suddenly, an image appeared in my mind, an image of a memory I wanted to forget, a memory I wanted to erase. It was so visible I thought somebody was casting a spell on me. 

I could see it so clearly, the white walls that always surrounded me from birth, and the dead-

Actually, It's probably best I stop thinking about it. 

"My name's Y/N Cornus, I hope we can be friends as well."

As I took the girls hand, I tried my best to smile, but all that came out was a strained expression. In response to my attempts at socialising, the girl burst out laughing.

"What kind of face is that!?" She giggled

"Sorry, I'm not that good with smiling..." 

As I was talking to Hermione, I noticed two adults behind her smiling warmly, presumably her parents. I couldn't help but wonder if they were really that proud that their daughter had made some friends? If that was the case, then that must mean Hermione isn't that good with other people.

She's kinda like me then!

"Anyway, as I was saying mom, I just need to run through this wall with my trolley and I'll be able to board the Hogwarts Express!"

Hermione's mother turned to me and spoke. "Is that really the way to get onto the platform?"

"Don't ask me! I don't even know anything about this stuff myself!" Is what I want to say.

But if I say that, then me and my new friend won't be able to get onto the Hogwarts Express...

"Yes ma'am, that's the way all students of Hogwarts get onto the platform." I said, hoping it was the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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