Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

As the Witches made off with their prize, the surviving villagers of Riverside could only step away from their now-destroyed homes and look at the carnage. What there was of the blood that was spilled fed the land while the fires would ultimately destroy what they have built so that mother nature could reclaim what is hers. Some children were left without a parent or parents, friends were forever disconnected and lovers were torn apart. Lyn's wailing was a sad song as the Witch-Knight and her men led the survivors back to Valoran City. Nothing Aeronort or Vale did could calm her down. Her husband was doing so well, earned himself that promotion, and was charged with protecting their home.

Now he was gone. She didn't know if he was dead or alive but she did know she'd never see Y/N again. Her legs were so weak and unable to move that Bolvar had to carry her the whole way. The amount of mental cursing the last surviving Knights and Rangers did was numerous. In just a single day, their entire village was ravaged and destroyed. However, there were some that were thankful for being there. Had it only been Y/N, Aeronort, and Vale, everyone would have most likely died. Hendrick immediately ran to the front of the group to meet with this Witch-Knight and express what gratitude he had.

Hendrick: I thank you for coming to our aid Lunar Guardian. Had it not been for you, then all of Riverside may have...

The Witch-Knight looks at him with her expressionless face, the mask over her eyes hiding her thousand-yard stare. Hendrick became incredibly nervous very quickly.

Hendrick: W-well, killed ma'am... I will p-put in a good word with-

???: There's no need. I need to report to my order and continue my investigation of the Witches.

Aeronort: Is there any way I can help?

He said as he rushed towards the front. The Lunar Guardian had something of an expression when she gazed at him.

???: Our work is beyond mere guard duty.

Aeronort: I don't give a damn! That was my home that just got destroyed.

???: From what I was able to gather from a distance, it was your captain that set flames to the village, correct? Wouldn't he be to blame for the loss of your home as well?

Aeronort couldn't think of a response. Yes, Y/N was the one who gave the order to burn the village but it was done in an attempt to give them a chance. If he hadn't, the Witches may have had an easier time picking them off. Vale then comes up and sticks her finger in the Witch-Knights face.

Vale: Don't you dare speak badly of our friend! He did what he thought was best for us to escape.

???: And look where that got him. Who knows what the Witches want him for but I believe it has something to do with the visions.

Just about everyone who had had the visions was confused. The Lunar Guardian did not speak further and continued leading the group to safety. Just glanced over and could see the river in the distance. It was beginning to dry up, meaning that the city's freshwater source was now deeper into the forest. That was not just an inconvenience but a huge problem. If the city began to run low on water, they'd have to essentially sacrifice men just to get more water. That was on the high part of the list of issues to deal with. Another is the inclusion of Y/N. If he was the man in the visions, what would the Witches do to him?

Well, Y/N was finding out firsthand. As he was dragged deeper and deeper into the dark forests of the world, the plant life was ripping the armor from his body and whatever plant did get a piece made a meal of said piece. When he was finally thrown onto a flat stone surface, he barely had anything on him. Some tattered cloth to keep him warm and cover some of his skin but that was it. The whole bumpy trip had jerked him away with the final landing being the final alarm. As he tried to get up, Morgana stomps on his chest, nearly digging her heel through his ribs.

Forever Broken (Male Reader x Coven Morgana)Where stories live. Discover now