Chapter 1 - A new beginning

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"Do you have everything?"


"Did you pack a lunch? Do you have a water bottle? Can you text me when you are on the way home?"

"Mom! I'll be alright, I'm a big boy now remember?". Tsukasa flexed his muscles causing his mother to giggle.

"Alright alright I'm sorry, have a good day okay?". With that being said she kissed his forehead and hugged him.

Tsukasa hugged back and smiled. "I will! Love you mom!"

"Love you too honey!"

Tsukasa started walking towards the highschool. It was freshman year and this is the first time he will be attending school in person..for the full time that is.

'The doctor said I've gotten better! This is just the beginning!'

Looking around the entrance he sees all the different types of students. 'So much variety here, I've never seen so many people before..'.

Tsukasa went to the front office, got his schedule, and immediately made his way to his class, he made it into class at soon as the late bell rang.

When he walked in the teacher looked at him and smiled. "You must be Tsukasa, welcome to Kamiyama High School! Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone?"

Tsukasa nodded and turned to face the class. "My name is Tsukasa Tenma! This is my first time being to a school in person so I am very excited! One thing about me is I dream of being a worldwide star one day! Pleased to meet you all!". Tsukasa finished his introduced and bowed.

The students and teacher clapped, a few giggles could be heard from the other students. "What a lovely introduction! Let's can sit right over there!" She pointed to his seat where Tsukasa went and sat down

~time skip~

The lunch bell rang and everyone dispersed from the classroom. Tsukasa walked around the school to find a lunch spot and settled on a bench outside. He reached into his bag and pulled out a lunchbox which a note attached to he. He opened the note.

"Have a wonderful first day of highschool big brother! ♡"

-Love, Saki

Tsukasa couldn't help but smile. 'Saki! You know I appreciate it! I'll need to thank her later..'

"Excuse me, mind if I join you?"

Tsukasa looked up a saw a student with mixed blue hair. He seemed familiar but Tsukasa couldn't remember from where.

"Oh sure! Go right ahead!

"Thank you."

The student sat down and turned to Tsukasa

"I am Toya, Toya Aoygi. You are Tsukasa yes?"

"Ah yes that's me! Is my name so popular already? Perhaps it is my star-like personality that has captivated the students here!"

"Ah..not exactly you. Saki told me you were attending school today so I decided to introduce myself."

"Hmm..oh right! Aoygi I knew I recognized the name! Nice to meet you in person Toya!"

"It's nice to meet you too."

For the rest of the lunch period the two boys got to know eachother more. They mostly talked about their family...well...Tsukasa's family...mostly Saki...and of course other things!

~another time skip ♡~

Tsukasa made his way out of the school and breathed in the nice, outdoor air. He pulled out his phone to text his mother that he was on the way home.

"Hey, you wanna stop by the amusement park for a bit? Maybe grab a bite to eat?"

"God I would love to but I have practice tonight! Maybe this weekend?"

"Alright fine the weekend then! I expect a bag of cotton candy as an apology for taking my Saturday!"

Tsukasa overheard the nearby conversation, as it peaked his interest. He immediately erased everything he typed out to his mom and rewrote..

'I'm going to check out the amusement park before I come home, is that ok?'


'Alright honey, but please be careful! I expect you back before dinner!"

Right after his mother's message popped up Tsukasa searched up the location on his phone and headed toward the park. He had only seen picture of amusement parks, he had never been before!

'Thank you mom! See you in a bit!"

When he arrived all he could see were bright colors. It was beautiful! The ferris wheel was so tall! The smell of sugar and other foods wafted through the entire park. Tsukasa wanted to see all of it, he wanted to come here with his sister and see everything!

Before he could take another step into the park something caught his eye. A small, overgrown path led past the trees into an unknown area.

'Why not go that way first.'

Tsukasa made his way down the path, trampling weeds and snapping sticks as he made his way into the opening.

That's when he saw it.

Time had stopped for him.

'A...a stage'

It was old and needed repairs, yes, but he was looking at an actual stage. He could just picture actors and actresses in eccentric costumes running around the stage. The audience clapping after every scene, laughing, enjoying themselves. Before Tsukasa knew it he was being draw towards the stage. He ran his hand along the edge, it was dusty, but smooth to the touch. Everytime he took a step on the stage he felt a jolt of excitement, like he was walking onto that stage to preform.

  'Big brother look! The stage is so pretty!'

Tsukasa stood in the middle of the stage, staring out toward the empty seats. The seats were empty, but he could just picture people seated in them waiting for the show to begin. He could see the rest of the crew, the ensemble, the running crew, the side characters, and it was his time for him to take on the lead role.

He withdrew an imaginary sword.

"Halt evil villain! As long as I carry my father's name AND my sword, I will purge this land of your wrong doings! I challenge to a duel, to the death!"

WAHAHAHA! Then come as you like foolish prince! After you are gone this kingdom will be mine!"


'Wait...that wasn't my imagination was it? Then..'

'Whose voice was that?'

~End of chapter 1~

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