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But to be for real, thanks so much guys!! I will try and post more, but I've been under a little stress, and stuff has been happening lol. But Uhm....Let's add a little ✨SPICE✨

No one's Pov: It was 12:38 at night, and devil couldn't sleep. He would toss and turn in his bed without any luck. He finally got up and did some paperwork in his office to pass the time. He got a couple things done and checked the time. "Only 1:15?" Devil said in a upset tone. Devil didn't get much sleep due to him, well ya know. Him being the devil meant he had alot to do, and he usually got it done at night. But then he was distracted by the sound of crying.

Devil's Pov: I got up and tried to follow where the sound was. And who was crying. Wait.. Why do I care?. I walked down the big hallway, close to my room. And the sound was coming from dices room. (MEGA GAY XD)

I went into dices room to see him crying. "Dicey, what's wrong?" I said in a gentle tone. "I-i had a n-nightmare.." he said with tears rolling down his face. Well whatever happened in that nightmare fucked him up!

Dices Pov: "Why do you even care. It's just a stupid nightmare..I'm not living on the streets anymore so why..?" I said crying even more. I saw him get on the bed and did the most unexpected thing. He hugged me?! "Dice..I'm sorry." Devil said. Thoughts started to flood my head. Then I finally said "Dev, I'm fine.."

No one's Pov: As Devil was hugging the very upset dice he said, "Dice. You can let it all out. Everyone left to go to a party." The sad dice replied, "D-dev..I'm fine! I a-always am! I'm fine.. I'm.." The dice started to sob a lot harder and hugged devil's fur. They stayed like that until dice cried himself to sleep. The devil had tucked him in, and turned off the light. "I love you dice." The demon then left the room and quietly shut the door. He went to his room and finally got some sleep knowing that dice, was comforted by him.

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