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Message from me:
While reading back on some old comments, apparently Azula didn't get redemption because the show ran out of time, but as we know, time is an illusion, and so is death; so what really is the excuse?


The last day at ember Island was nothing, atleast for the rest of them. For me, it was time to explore.

I wanted to go out on my own little beach trip, but they did not trust me enough to go on my own thinking I might 'report back to someone'.

So instead, I was joined by Azula...and Ty Lee, who said she wanted to go again.

Ty Lee did her usual thing, sitting and tanning in the sun, ordering some boys around, while me and her walked around the beach and talked. Kind of.


Me and Azula walked along the shore. I was amazed, she was too, at my enthusiasm.

"Why are you acting as if you've never seen a beach before?" Azula said. She looked at me funny. "Have you?"

"Yea I have." I said stopping and crushing the sand in between my toes with my toes. "Just never one like this before. It's..." I paused, looking around at the people, the water. I am in the world of avatar, in ember Island. "Amazing."

Azula did a scoff with a small laugh. "You are the ultimate peasant. Where are you from, a cave in the scummiest part of the earth kingdom? The southern water tribe? Oh, that's too nice."

I hid my reaction towards her suggesting that a southern water tribe is a scummy place. Azula is very good at sensing discomfort, but i don't think she could tell.

"Well no, but i do consider myself of the earth kingdom. And from what I've heard, the southern water tribe is a nice place."

She smirked. "Nice place? You've been told wrong."

I internally frowned. "What does it even mean to consider yourself earth kingdom? Are you from a colony?"

"Something like that."

She sighed. "Well whatever. I'll make you talk once we get back to the fire nation."

I smiled.

I got a specialty fire nation pop cicle (which is called a hotcicle, paid for by Azula who said she never had done charity) that melted in my hand in less than a minute. It tasted weird but I needed the cold.

A little while after, Azula got bored and revealed who she is, and people were all over her. She grinned at the instant praise and fear. I gave them all the meanest face I could give.

The hotcicle stand runner even tried giving her the money back.

"You can keep the scraps." She said to them.

I took them in her place. She smirked and shook her head. "Truly a peasant."

"Money is money." I said to her as we walked over to Ty Lee.

"Money won't be something you have to worry about, if your information is valuable enough." She said.

A random guy tried to talk to her. I stuck my foot out and he tripped, landing face first into the sand.

She then broke out into laughter.

I wanted to hug her, kiss her, tell her everything about us right then and there.

As we approached Ty Lee, many guys were, as usual, surrounding her, but this time something was different. She looked annoyed.

"Hey." She said with a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked.

toss your dirty shoes (in my washing machine heart) - Azula x Author (Me)Where stories live. Discover now