03 - Daniel

16 10 13

There she stood. There Ash stood. She was standing in front of me with blonde hair instead of the purple hair she had in high school. In front of me with light pink lip gloss instead of the black lipstick she wore back then.

Seeing her made my mind overflow with questions: was she mad at me? I deserved it of course but I mean I didn't even recognize her. Was she always into acting? Does she recognize me? And most important of all- How was she so damn beautiful even though she looked completely beautiful.

I zoned back in to reality as she continued, "You wanna practice lines?" She said without the usual enthusiasm she had back then.

Huh..okay, she's not mad at me? Phew.

After a few seconds I realized that this was Ashley and even if she had changed completely on the outside and that was the same for the inside there would still be little specs of her that remained the same- like her warm brown eyes and beautiful, beautiful smile- and I know for a fact she wouldn't change that she hides how angry she is.

"Hey, Ash. I know I didn't recognize you and I'm sorry but are you mad at me? It's just the way you're talking to m-" She cut me off.

"Ashley not Ash. Look we're in a professional setting. I'd prefer you to call me by my full name." She said in a cold tone again.

Wow, she really hates me. Crap.
Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick, Frick.

What the hell did high school me do on that day? The day I left. I mean everything was fine until then, wasn't it?

I took a deep breath in. Then, she began talking again.

"Get it?" She asked

"Yeah. Yes ummm....sure. I'll do that." I replied.

In that moment, when I was stuttering and stumbling the directors came in to save my butt.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. Hey, I'm Carlos Rodriquez, the casting director. You can just call me Carlos or Carl. I'm the reason you guys have your job." A dude with dark curly hair said. I laughed in reply.

A smaller woman continued "And I'm the director, Valentina Caimile, you can call me Val. I'm the reason you have your job." She said pointing to Carlos. And Ash- Ashley chuckled her wow it had been a long time since I'd heard he laugh. I'd forgotten how.. how Ash that laugh was. The way it almost sounded like a joyful tune, like she sounded genuinely happy. Could I ever make her laugh like that? Could I ever make her feel happy? Would she ever be able to love me? Would I ever be good enough for her.

I took a deep breath in as "Val" continued, "So, you guys ready?"

Both Ashley and I agreed hesitantly. I mean we were supposed to act like we were in love with eachother and here I was: I didn't even have to act and Ashley is probably trying to mask that she hates me. I can't get rid of the helplessness, this hopeless feeling that she hates me.

When we have to act will I be able to mask the fact that I'm in love with her- or was in love with 16 year old Ash.

"Okay guys, open scene 5 episode 1," Carlos said.

I opened it up and skimmed through the page. Reading lines like: as Nathan and Beth intertwined their fingers it felt like they were made to complete eachother.

Okay, just holding hands. Mild enough. Awesome. 

"This is just a warm up though guys," then Val continued, "So guys can feel the vibes with each other."


I know kissing may seem like a very tiny problem in this moment but the 16 year old version of me would be elated to feel Ash's presumably soft lips against his and if 24 year old me happened to. I think he'd combust and die. Why was I making such a big deal about this minute detail? When I've gone further with other people - whom I didn't any emotionally attachment to whatsoever- onlt God knows.

"I understand," I replied.

A few moments later Ashley and I were on a set together. It looked like a cozy apartment.

"Okay guys have you read your lines?"

"Yup," Asley said.

"Same," I replied.

"We're not going to be filming this but... Ready, Set, Action!"

"Hey, what movie do you wanna watch," 'Beth' chimes out joyfully.

"I don't know," I say blandly.

"What about a horror," she replies.

My eyes lit up I half-smiled trying to mask 'Nathan's' joy.

"Yeah, sure."

We switch a movie on and get close on the sofa.

The scene lasts for a little and then there's a jump scare. I swiftly put my arm around Ash's- 'Beth's' shoulder and hold her close. I can feel her heart beat against my chest and we get as flustered as teenagers and look in opposite directions.

My heart is drumming through my chest. Why the hell was such little physical contact doubt this to me. 8 more months like this and I'm going die of cardiac arrest.

After a few seconds we returned to our places and I saw "Beth's" hand peeking out of her blanket. I moved mine slowly towards her. I moved closer and she moved hers until our thumbs finally touched, we intertwined our fingers and I felt electricity rushing through my body. I gently rubbed the top of her hand with my thumb and then just as I saw a little red graze over her cheeks Val shouted, "Cut! Look-"

Carlos cut her off "You guys seem to have a good amount of chemistry but it feels like something is lacking,"

"Maybe we should try the scene in the  finale," Val continued.

"The kiss!" Both Ashley and I replied in shock."

Both of them nodded.

"Okay," I replied trying to hide my surprise.

The four of us walked over to set 2 to film an 'outdoor' scene. Umbrellas and all.


She stood under her yellow umbrella with rain tricking down her perfect hair.

"Can I kiss you," I begged- as Nathan.

"What," She asked in surp


"Only if you want..." She replied.

I cupped her cheek and raised her face to mine, a felt my heart race. I moved closer to her and she leaned in, the tips of our noses touched and I moved my hand, it was now entangled in her hair. Our lips brushed against each others' I felt tingles spreading across my lips and then we....


Hey Guys, A/N here. If you enjoyed this chapter please let me know and I'll continue posting chapters.

Sorry for the late update was supposed to post this 12 mins ago. Love yall.

Word Count: 1113


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