04 - Ashley

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Our lips barely touched, and I felt something bubble inside me, was I so starved of romance that I would think to kiss that traitor? He may have perfectly styled brown hair and deep blue eyes, but I would not sink in them because he was shallow! We were almost immediately interrupted by Val as she yelled, "Cut!"

Though I would have beaten myself up for kissing him- and enjoying it- something inside me wished I felt his lips against mine. Maybe it was just the remnants of the hormonal teenager inside of me acting up again, but no matter how gorgeous he was I would never be caught dead kissing those lips. His annoying, obnoxious, condescending, perfectly shaped lips.

As we moved away from each other, I waited for someone to talk. So, I wouldn't have to listen to my intrusive thoughts. So, that someone could get rid of this underlying tension in the air.

Carlos let out a slightly disappointed- was he disappointed in us- sigh and continued, "You guys have the chemistry but you also have some unresolved tension and not the good type." He winked thinking he was super clever. When Val cut him off, "Look you guys are really, really good actors and it's really our pleasure to have to opportunity to work with you guys but you guys have 2 options. Either cover up this weird tension on camera or actually fix it, it's your pick as long as we get good performances as a result."

Daniel and I looked at each other for a good amount of time, both Daniel and I replied at the same time, though I replied with, "We'll cover it up." and he replied with, "We'll fix it."

So, what were we going to do, fix this tension when he doesn't even know what caused. Plus, what is with the tension on his side? He was the one in the wrong. What was up with his ego. Besides, what chemistry was Val even talking about?  is she delusional- no offense, I love you Val, thanks for this job. 

Carlos and Val looked at each other and began whispering, they were going to pick Daniel's option, right? He had way more influence than me. You know what, I'll make the decision easier for them. 

I'm literally digging myself into a hole right now I thought as I said, " You know guys, I think we should just resolve the 'tension'." 

My career is on the line, I have to this. I cannot conceal this burning feeling in my chest. I hate him, I loathe him, I despise him, I want him to feel utter disappointment and rejection, just like what I felt that day- when we were 16. I want him to be left behind by the person he loves the most, I want the one thing that stitches his life together to fall apart, I want to see him in absolute agony because that's what he made me feel.

When I saw him, I felt a burning sensation in my throat, I felt as if my lungs would stop and this tightness in my chest. All of this, this painful, miserable feeling I felt was only caused by being abandoned by someone I loved, deeply, inside and out. Someone, who I adored who had left me behind and changed completely.

Why the hell did he have this effect on me? What gave him the right? How do I stop it? Can I hide it? How do I hide it?

It was bad enough that he left me, but now he had to ruin my big break, I had no other chance but to spend time with him as I was trash talking him in my head, Carlos began saying something, "Maybe, you guys should hang out privately. It'd probably be weird discussing your obvious history in front of your employers." 

That was the first thing he'd said that had actually sense. Too bad I would not be caught anywhere except for a studio with that condescending back-stabber. 

"Okay." Daniel said.

Shoot. I had to agree with him now. 

"Yeah mmhmm." I retorted.

I didn't think It was possible to dig myself deeper into that hole.  


We were really at my favorite coffee shop together? He's already ruined my job and now my favorite cafe. Why was he out to ruin my life? How could I avoid the topic that he kind of - totally - ruined my life and broke my heart. Since, he totally did not figure out that I was mad he left with little to no notice. 

"I think both of us are weirded out by the fact that we have to act romantically attracted to each other..." Daniel hypothesized. Well, it was awkward for different reasons- I was furious with him and he was only platonically interested in me- but I guess he was right. 

"Yeah." I agreed. 

"Maybe, we should spend more time with each other, we aren't the same people we were 8 years ago, after all." Daniel suggested, he sounded pretty genuine, he wanted to spend time with me. Weird. 

"Well, okay." I agreed hesitantly. 

"When are you free to meet, weekly." He asked, sounding sort of emotionless.

"Saturdays for lunch?" I asked.

"Saturdays for lunch." He replied. 

Okay, I'd be going on a platonic 'date' with the guy who was my best friend turned first love, turned man I hate the most in the world. Nikki, I need you right now. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

"Can I have your address? I'll pick you up at 1, if that's okay. Formal-ish clothes." he said as he half-smiled. 

"Yeah, I'll send it to you. 1 is great." He handed me his business card, with his number on it. I slightly thought he would write his personal number on a post it, or something but whatever.

"Call me," He said. 

We began talking about how stupid we were when we were 16. I laughed a little but I kept reminding myself that I should not be laughing at his jokes. 

His humor was one of the thousands of reasons I was in love with him back then. Maybe, his humor had stayed the same but he had changed, he had changed as a human being. 


Hey Guys, A/N here. If you enjoyed this chapter please let me know and I'll continue posting chapters. 

P.S I am so sorry that my chapters have been getting progressively shorter, I have been trying to get them to at least up to 1000 words. 

Word Count: 1044


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