Chapter 2.

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Dylan POV.

I follow my siblings and Allison into the Sanderson cottage.

I notice Max grabbing a lighter I grab Dani's shoulder.

Dylan“ Stay close Dani.

Allison turns on the light and I notice a black cat I walk towards it and reach for it.

Dylan“ Hey there little guy you lost?

Lights begin to flicker and the ground begins to shake I fall and my crutches get out of distance.

Everyone hides and 3 women walk into the room.

Winifred“ We're home!

Mary“ Oh your amazing Winnie!

I notice the blonde looking on a railing she has a sad look.

Sarah“ Where's my lucky rat tail!

I notice a rat tail beside I pick it up and inspect it.

Dylan“ Um is this what your looking for?

All 3 turn to me in shock and the blonde has a smirk.

Sarah“ A boy!

She runs towards me and sits beside me and lays her head on my shoulder.

Winifred“ *picks up crutch* What's this?

Dylan“ Um that's mine I need it to walk.

She gives it to me and I get up and give the blonde her rat tail.

Winifred“ So tell me young man how old are thee.

Dylan“ I'm 20.

The red haired witch nods and looks at my leg with curiosity I notice the kids run out.

Mary“ Winnie look those kids ran-.

Dylan“ Trust me you don't want them their is more children you could take.

Winifred looks at me skeptically but she agrees.

Winifred“ May I ask we're you born with this physical deformity.

Dylan“ Um no? I served my country at 17 and I got shot in the leg and well the rest is history.

Winifred“ Ah strong warrior.

Mary“ Winnie Winnie I think Sarah likes this one.

The blonde clings to my arm and I look at her she's an inch shorter then me.

Sarah“ Do you think I'm pretty?

Dylan“ All 3 of you are lovely.

Winifred“ Oh my how kind it's like he's never seen evil witches before.

Dylan“ Well I should go ho-.

Sarah“ No please stay!

Dylan“ Um I don't know-.

She gives me a pout and I sigh.

Winifred POV.

Awwwwwwww he's so soft and kind.

Dylan“ But I should be home watching my younger siblings.

Winifred“ Sarah take the young boy home you'll see him again.

Sarah pouts and grabs her broom and they fly off.

Mary“ He seemed nice I mean didn't call us ugly like most children do.

Winifred“ Now Mary let's focus and start collecting children!

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