Chapter 5.

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Dylan POV.

I'm sitting in my therapist office and I see my therapist walk in.

Therapist“ Hello Dylan I heard about last night.

Dylan“ *stares*.

My therapist takes out a teddy bear and gives me it I hold it and look at it.

Therapist“ Dylan I think you need to find a hobby to distract you from the bad place-.

Dylan“ The war Doc you mean the war the bloody gunshot trauma building war.

Therapist“ Ok Dylan your shaking-.

Dylan“ *shakes*.

Therapist“ I NEED STAFF NOW!

*At the house*

I'm laying in bed with tears and my arms are wrapped up my PTSD has never been this bad.

I hear my window open and I see Sarah sit in front of me on the floor with a look of concern.

Sarah“ Are you ok?

I scoot away and open my arms and she crawls in and cuddles me I hold onto her like my life depends on it.

Sarah POV.

The boy looks like he's breaking how can I fix him?

Dylan“ Sarah?

Sarah“ Yes?

Dylan“ Don't leave me please.

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