Chapter 3.

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Dylan POV.

We land outside my window and I walk into my room and she looks around.

Sarah“ Lots of books.

Dylan“ Reading soothes me.

I sit on my bed and she picks up one of my books.

Dylan“ You can borrow that if you want.

Sarah“ *confused* Really?

Dylan“ Yeah I mean it's a good book you might like it.

She smiles softly and thanks me and looks at my leg.

Sarah“ Does it hurt?

Dylan“ Sometimes.

Sarah“ *looks out window* I best return to my sister's.

She runs towards me and kisses my cheek I blush and watch her begin to float.

Sarah“ See you soon.

She fly's off and I smile and close my eyes.

Sarah POV.

I fly off and I take a look at the book the pretty boy have.

Sarah“ Romeo and Juliet?

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