5 Years Later

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Author's Note: Hey Guys I hope you are finding the story interesting, well yes it was sad. But I promise that this would be a great story! So Yeah let's get on with the story!

By The Way, The Music up the top is called "A Gift Of Innocence" By Gothic Storm Music!

15 POV

It has been 5 years since Pixal died,

I was so heartbroken, 

While the city was crystalised, I and my other 14 sisters got powered down.

But we managed to stay alive for a while,

We stayed at the bottom of the Borg Tower.

It was like an attic but it was cold and dusty there,

We got an emergency call from Pixal before we headed down to the bottom floor.

We just stayed cuddled up until it ended, 

We didn't get a sign from Pixal when it ended.

We actually found Cryptor getting here and telling us that it ended,

Although, I didn't find out that Pixal died when Cryptor attended her funeral.

Me and my sisters were full of sadness and grief when we heard,

Our best sister was gone.

We just stayed in a room not wanting to do anything after that,

I soon received a call from Cryptor, he had a plan to bring her back with the power sources we have got.

We have got a lot of them with us, We have around 14 of them we have made.

I decided to go to Cryptor, We soon managed to find Pixal's body and fix it up.

We soon attempted to bring her back with the 14 power sources we have got.

But it wasn't easy,

The reason we are doing this is that we wanted Zane to be happy and make everything back to normal.

My Father, Cyrus Borg was different, he wasn't that cheery, happy man.

Instead, he was very depressed and was having a lot of anxiety, he was feeling so much that he even started to drink alcohol a lot just to forget about it.

I wanted him to stop because there are lots of diseases he might get,

I kept asking him to stop but he wouldn't.

I mean Pixal was his favourite daughter before he knew that me and my 14 sisters were alive,

He just loved Pixal like a daughter even though from the start she was just a machine like us all.

I just want him to stop drinking,

At least it wasn't worse than smoking.

As the years passed none of the power sources worked on Pixal,

After 5 years of attempting to bring Pixal back, we were going to give up.

But while I was testing on the last 4 power sources we got, Cryptor, my brother decided to find something.

I wasn't sure what it would be but I knew that it was got to do with Pixal and the power sources we were using to bring her back.

Just as I finished with all of the 14 power sources I was going to give up when Cryptor bursts into the room.

"Wait! Wait, try this" He says as he holds up what looked like half of a power source.

"Cryptor, I am pretty sure that is like the others we got," I say sadly,

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