Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV

"Thank you everybody for coming tonight! We love you twelve people who turned up." Ashton smiled as he stood up from his drumming box and the boys followed.

I was gutted that only twelve of us turned up to their first gig, they were amazing and it was a shame that not everyone realised it.

"They were so good!" Fei screamed as jumped up and down, "Do you think we could go talk to them if we waited a little while longer?" She asked.

"We could give it a try." I replied pulling her arm as we ran to the stage.

We just waited for a while, everyone in the 'crowd' had left and it was just me and Fei.

"That went well...I guess." I heard Ash say as he walked onto the stage, "wow you guys still here?" He asked with a puzzled but happy expression on his face.

"Umm...yeah. Rachel and I absolutely love you and we were hoping to talk to you guys." Fei replied all excited.

"You guys are too cute," he said smiling ear to ear, "guys come out here, I want you to meet two beautiful and amazing girls."

I couldn't stop smiling he was so sweet. The guys then came out on stage and we just chatted for a couple of hours. They played some extra song just for Fei and I, it couldn't get any better.

~ 2 hours later ~

"This has been amazing! Hope we see you again." I said gazing into their eyes.

"Yeah definitely, you guys have been amazing!" Calum replied giving us both a hug. Quickly after, Luke, Mikey and Ash joined in.

I didn't really want to go.

"um,can we get a picture with you?"i asked hope taking over every part of my body

"a picture?" Luke asked

"is that ok?" Fei asked

"no, its just no one has asked for our pictures before so this is big" ashton quickly giggled.

"aw ok"i smiled

we took a group picture and individual ones we then swapped numbers!
And left, we are in the taxi going back to mine and Fei's apartment I have had this smile permanently glued to my face since we left the hotel.

Usually I wouldn't be this exited but I got their numbers! and also I have a good feeling about these four, we have met loads of bands like 1D, The Wanted, ATL we met Dan and Phil but I was only exited to meet these four,everytime I think of Calum I get chills and I swear my cheeks heated up.

"Did that really just happen?" Fei asked,
"Yes..I think." It still seamed really surreal. This all happening, I don't really know why we're acting like this. They aren't exactly famous but they're special. I just know it.

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