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Author's POV    Diavolo watches as the two girls follow after Lucifer and his brothers with their heads close together and talking in what sounds like gibberish

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Author's POV
    Diavolo watches as the two girls follow after Lucifer and his brothers with their heads close together and talking in what sounds like gibberish. Diavolo smiles and looks at Barbatos while saying, "Barbatos, I think that the exchange program will be fun this time around. I wish to look through the files for Autumn and Crystal Moon, as well please. I think that it could be beneficial to do so." I walk to my office and sit at my desk. Once I am seated I see Barbato walk out to get those files he came back a few moments later with the files in hand. I thank him as I take them from him. In the files: Autumn L. Moon
Name: Autumn Lily Moon
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race/Ethnicity: (Human) Caucasion
Family: Mother, Older Brother, Older Sister, Younger Sister, Niece
Close relations: Sister-Crystal WIld Moon-age 25
Past history:She has been Abused. She is blind in her right eye. Does not like people to touch her if she does not know them. Has PTSD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and Autism. Does not do well in new situations or surroundings. Does better with a constant schedule. Does not handle spontaneous events well. Will have a melt down. Is protective of family, especially younger sister Crystal. She is kind, shy, sweet, and caring.
Other information: Autistic
Most recent picture:

In the file for Crystal W. Moon:
Name: Crystal Wild Moon
Age:25(18 months younger than Autumn
Race/Ethnicity: (Human) Caucasion
Family:Mother, Older Brother, Older Sister, Older sister Autumn, Niece
Close relations: Sister-Autumn Lily Moon-age 26
Past history:She has been Abused. No more information about Crystal Wild Moon. She is protective of Family and friends.
Other information: not Applicable
Most recent Picture:

"Hmm." Diavolo looked at Barbatos when he saw that both ladies had been abused in the past. "Barbatos, I would like to see Autumn and Crystal's past if they agree to it. Let's take a trip to the House of Lamentation." Barbatos nodded and left to get things ready for the two if they said yes. I got up and texted Lucifer as I walked to the front doors of the castle. 'Lucifer, I need to talk with you, Autumn, and Crystal about something. Also I have their D.D.D's, I forgot to give them. Please have a private spot for us to chat please.' I hit send and noticed that Barbatos had the car all ready.
Autumn and Crystal's POV
    Crystal and I were in the room we were given. It had a bunk bed, so she called the top bunk. There was no ladder to the top bunk so she found a chair to help her hop up to the bunk. She was about to hop up when there was a knock on our door. The knock startled her in mid hop so she tried to scrabble up but the blanket gave way and she landed on her back as she broke the solid wood chair. She was laughing and crying because it hurt. I was trying to make sure she was ok but laughing too hard. I went to open the door and saw Lucifer. I looked at him and said, "Hello, Lord Lucifer, how may we help you at this moment?" He looked shocked at the respect I gave him just now, but said, "I would like it if Crystal and yourself would follow me please." I looked over at Crystal who nodded that we should follow him and that she was ok. She is great at acting like she is ok or not in pain. I always followed her lead as she has better instincts for danger and whatnot. So we followed Lucifer into the library where he pulled a book on a shelf in the back and a secret door opened. We followed him inside. Before I could ask what it was he wanted from us, I heard a knock on the hidden door, Lucifer called out for them to come in. The door opened to reveal Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. My sister and I curtsied respectfully to the Prince. He smiled at us and told us that wasn't necessary to do, and to treat him like a friend. Then he got a serious look on his face. He looked to Lucifer who then put up a privacy spell, then he asked us if we could talk about ourselves and our past. We looked at each other and started to communicate through our eyes and agreed that I would be the only one to tell my past. Crystal would not tell her past just yet. I looked at Lord Diavolo and then back at Crystal who looked like she was in a flash back. I sighed at that fact and looked back at Diavolo. I said, "Lord Diavolo, I am willing to tell you about my past but Crystal is not ready to tell anyone and may never be ready to tell. If I tell you my past, I can't guarantee I won't go into a really bad flashback. I also might injure myself or others if it gets too bad. I looked back up at Lord Diavolo as I had looked at my knees while I was talking. He was looking at Barbatos and it seemed he was having a conversation with him. He looked at me and said, "Autumn, Barbatos here can control time. He can look into the future and the past as well. Would it be ok if we all took a journey into your past? That would include Lucifer and his brother's too." I just looked at him and said, "I guess that would be Ok." He then told Lucifer to get his brothers and meet us at the Castle. I walked over to Crystal and told her we are going to the castle with Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. I also told her that the 7 brothers would meet us there. We walked to the car with the Prince and his butler, and got in. When we got to the castle we went into a sitting room to wait. Barbatos left for a few moments and then came back with tea and sweets. Lord Diavolo then stood up and offered his hands to us and we went into Barbatos' room. It had a lot of doors.
    Barbatos then told everyone what was going on. He then opened a door in his room and we were blinded by a bright light. We were in a past memory that I had forgotten. I was living with my father, and having issues his new wife didn't like me much. I was 3 years old and supposed to be potty trained by now but I wasn't so they put a lock on the outside of the bathroom and locked me in for hours. The memory changed,  I was doing chores. I am now 7 years old. I didn't do something tight in my chores and my step-mother started to hit me. The next memory was with my new step-father and three step-brothers were now here. I was doing my homework when my step-father came in and stuck a pocket knife in my face and threatened to cut me up into chunks and barbeque me as food if I told mom about the abuse. He also tried to run me over as well. The next memory was when I was hospitalized for over a year, I had just gotten released and was going to live with my grandparents. My grandma is who Crystal and I were living with. She would hit us for anything and everything. And the final memory was living with my mom again.
    When the door was closed I was in tears. I never wanted to remember any of that again. I look up when I hear someone clearing their throat. I see that it was the prince who wanted to say something, "Autumn I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I hope that being housed by 7 males will not be a problem for you and your sister. But if it is, I will be happy to let you live here in my castle. The only demons who are here all the time are Barbatos and myself. Please let me know." I look at Crystal and back at the Prince and say, "Lord Diavolo, Crystal and I would rather live here in the Castle if that is ok." Lord Diavolo nods his agreement. He looks at the brothers, who are looking at the sisters with a need to care for them. I haven't seen them look at someone this way before.

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